Wyrd: The Mystery of a Missing Starlet is More Than it Seems

Colette DuBois’ newest showgirl has been kidnapped. Join the investigation in this new Penny Dreadful – and remember, as with everything in Malifaux, Bad Things Happen.
In this one shot adventure for Wyrd’s roleplaying game, Through the Breach, the headliner of Colette Du Bois’s new show at the famous Star Theater has been kidnapped. She contacts the Fated to help bring her back safely. The Fated will have to navigate the underworld of Malifaux and the theater. Players will investigate the disappearance with quick play rules and four pre-generated characters. Everything is ready for you to jump into the adventure!
Get your copy on DriveThru RPG now!
Through the Breach is a tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of Malifaux. The players take on the role of the Fated, men and women who have caught a brief glimpse of their destinies.
Through the Breach uses cards instead of dice to resolve conflicts, and each character has a hand of cards they can use to alter their destinies, changing failure into success and defeat into victory. Characters shift fluidly from one profession to the next as they meet the challenges of Malifaux head-on, and even the most naive Academic might find herself becoming a lethal Gunslinger, hardened Pioneer, or power-mad Dabbler with the right twist of fate.