X-Wing 2.0: Previewing The T-65 X-Wing

When it comes to X-Wing, The T-65 has had a sordid history. Its the ship the game is named after and yet for many players this icon ship had lost it’s luster many parsecs ago. But in X-Wing 2.0, it’s back and it’s ready to do some work for the Rebellion!
X-Wing is heading back to the basics in 2.0 and that means you better be able to fly your ship better than you build your list. If you can’t maneuver into firing solutions it won’t matter how crazy of a combo you’ve come-up with. The skill ceiling is back and if you want to “get gud” you’re going to have to practice. No other ship benefits from the changes in the game more than the humble T-65 X-Wing. It’s quite possibly the most improved ship in the entire range.
So what makes this ship so much better? Are we going to see it at all the regional tournaments and possibly World Champs? It’s a little early to tell…but the X-Wing isn’t a ship players are going to skip over any more – that much you can count on.
via Fantasy Flight Games
In our announcement, we already revealed that the Servomotor S-foils upgrade unlocked new possibilities for the T-65 depending on whether its S-foils are open or closed, giving you access to more actions and deepening the ships’ tactical flexibility. Additionally, when we previewed the refinements to movement made in X-Wing Second Edition, we discussed how the T-65 was more maneuverable than ever with the addition of speed-three Tallon Rolls.
But that was just the beginning. The ship now has 4 Hull and 2 shields, a slight tweak from before. It’s also rocking the Barrel Roll action in it’s toolbox standard. For such a beefy ship, that means it’s got access to a Boost, Barrel Roll, and Talon Roll. With a 3 primary attack you can bet this ship can hold it’s own in X-Wing 2.0.
X-Wing Pilots
Depending on who’s flying the ship, the X-Wing can provide a variety of squadron options.
Wedge Antilles is an Ace Pilot and one of the very few pilots who gets a rating of 6. That alone makes him worth considering. But when you take a shot with him, the defender also rolls 1 fewer defense die. That’s right – not only will he be firing first most of the time, the attack is losing a defense die to boot! And there are other abilities that do the same thing. Got a pesky TIE Advanced on your six? Give Wedge a shot.
Thane Kyrell’s ability to expose a damaged ships cards can come in very handy. First off, the designers have shifted a lot of the ships Hull/Shield ratios so that ships will actually have damage cards on them – that means more cards to pick from and crits become an important thing in the game. This ability also allows you to simply up the leathalness of Kyrell by converting unused Focus into dangerous results.
Graven Dreis is a fantastic wingman to fly with. Passing off Focus tokens is just good all around. The best part is that Dreis still gets to spend it – the Rebellion is all about helping out your friends.
And then there is the notorious Biggs Darklighter. While his ability has been redesigned to make less of an impact than before, it’s still very powerfull. Biggs is the ultimate tank. He can still draw enemy fire like no other but it’s not as limiting as before. Personally, I think this trade-off is a much fun to play with and against. It makes him useful without making him the meta-shaping jerk that he was.
The X-Wing will still have access to Torpedoes and Astromechs. With the new design of ordnance weapons having charge tokens and the re-focus on Astromechs offering a different type of ship buff, I’m very curious to see what we’re going to be able to do. While you can still make combos, the real skill will be how you fly the ship and the X-Wing T-65 is a ship that is just begging to be flown again. If you want more info on the T-65 X-Wing, read FFG’s full article HERE.
T-65 X-Wing Expansion Pack $19.95
No ship has become more emblematic of the Rebel Alliance than the T-65 X-wing. A mainstay of the Rebel fleet throughout the Galactic Civil War, this versatile craft was present at almost every major space battle, proving itself to be one of the most effective military vehicles in the galaxy.
The T-65 X-Wing Expansion Pack for X-Wing Second Edition includes a beautifully-painted T-65 X-wing miniature for you to add to your squadron, a maneuver dial, and all the ship and upgrade cards you need to fly this iconic starfighter into battle. In addition, the T-65 X-Wing Expansion Pack contains a few entirely new cards that have never before appeared in the game’s first edition. These new cards and associated punchboard are also included in the Rebel Alliance Conversion Kit for the benefit of veteran players!
Prepare For Attack Run!