40K Orks: Wot A Warboss Wantz

The highly anticipated Ork Codex is carrying the hopes and dreams of many Greenskin players out there. But what exactly are they looking for in the new codex? Let’s ask a Warboss and find out!
We sent out a Kill Team over the weekend to capture an Ork Warboss because we had some questions to ask him. Luckily, our Kill Team was mostly successful and they brought back the head of a Warboss. Our Inquisitor was able to work their semi-herticial powers on it and attach it to a pre-dark age machine to pump it for information. After correcting for the language issues and offering the correct prayers to the machine spirit, we were able to decipher what the Ork Warboss wanted in the new Codex.
Plastic Ghaz/Massive Ork Kit
The first thing that bubbled up to the top of our Warboss’ Mind was a new Plastic Ork Kit for Ghaz. If this kit doubled as some other crazy Ork contraption, that’s cool too. But really if the Orks got some type of Mega-Ghaz kit that would be ideal.
Plus, Ghaz has been making headlines across the Imperium, Webway, and even the Deathwatch network has been abuzz with warnings. Bring on the GHAZ!
Looted Wagon Rules
Another thing the Warboss kept thinking about was his “Kustom Wagon”. It’s a well know fact that Orks are kit bashers. Ork Players are kit bashers. Games Workshop needs to let them make their crazy machines and then play with them on the tabletop. There is no better way to let these Orky hobbists go crazy than with Looted Wagon rules. We got hits of this with the Vehicle Design Rules (which were way more limited than we had hoped) – but the Orks can take this to the next level!
Psychic Powers
When we strapped the Warboss into our machine, the psychic backlash almost fried it on the first attempt. Why? Because Orks are incredibly psychic. Even their basic boy has latent psychic potential. When every single boy generates “power” for your psykers then those psykers should be able to do some cool/scary/powerful stuff.
Weirdboyz should be a MAJOR part of the army with a bunch of really cool powers to match. We know that the Orks are going to get Relics/Stratagems/Warlord Traits and new Psychic Powers, but they need to be GOOD to boot. And speak of boots, we want one power to come back in particular – The Foot of Gork!
And while we’re at it, how about a named Ork Weirdboy? Maybe in a kit with a plastic Foot of Gork template? Just throwing that idea out there GW.
Ork Clan Rules
The Warboss would not shut-up about his Ork Clan. It’s also a well known fact that the Ork Clans have a long and proud history. Each one bring something special to the tabletop. Because of that, and because of the way 8th edition has really opened the door for different “chapters” of an army, the Ork Clans should each get rules. Hopefully GW takes the same care they did with armies like the Tyranids and the Necrons and makes each option viable.
Each Ork clan should have cool rules – from Goffs to Kult of Speed. Every clan should be good and very divergent. Picking a Clan should be a difficult choice. Feral Orks, Snakebits, Blood Axes – all of them should be thematic and unique. A Kult of Speed Army should play differently than a Bad Moons. But they should be viable.
Grot Revolution Army
Okay, so maybe the ORK Warboss didn’t pick this one but there are those sneaky gits running around and they have been infiltrating the system. The Rebel Grots were actually a faction in Gorkamorka – they were Grots who rose up and attempted to overthrow their Orky oppressors. If GW wanted to reach waaaaay back and pull something out of the past to update it for the current edition then the Rebel Grot Army would offer them a lot of options for new kits to sell folks.
Bonus: Orky Movement Trays
Hey, when you’ve got 300 boyz to move, you’ll be wishing you had these.
Ork Players – What do YOU want in your next Codex? Let us know in the comments below!