Age of Sigmar: How to beat the dreaded DOUBLE TURN & WarGamesCon – FTN

Paul is joined by Rob Symes from The Honest Wargamer to talk about Age of Sigmar, then we talk about two upcoming 40K tourneys you don’t want to miss.
Another jam packed episode! We spotlight two upcoming 40k tournaments this week – Wargames Con in Austin Texas and The 40k Grand Tournament .
Hey guys,
Ricky and Paul chat a bit in the part of the show. Its a little hobby, it’s a little tactics but it’s all fun.
In the second segment Paul talks with Chris from Wargames Con. We talk about all the stuff to do at this awesome convention in Austin but we focus mostly on their 40k Grand Tournament.
In this jam packed NEXT segment Paul and Rob from The Honest Wargamer talk about Age of Sigmar. We talk about the very basics of the game and army list design. Rob is gracious enough to get really basic with me and we discuss the fundamentals of the Priority mechanic in AoS and we chat about how important Battle Line force choices can be.
We close out talking to Eddie from the MAGS tournament circuit and the 40k Grand Tournament at Gencon.
We’ll have more 40k and Sigmar coverage coming next week. Please like, share and Subscribe.
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Paul Murphy – Host
Justin Troop – troopsmash
Christopher Morgan – captain morgan
Horton Doughton
Ricky Addington