Forge World Open Day? Sounds Like Heresy

Wrapping up our Forge World Open Day coverage, we have a look at all of the Horus Heresy models on display.
Forge World’s Heresy knows no bounds!!! Surely they will be brought in by the Inquisit–
Ah, I’ve just been informed that Forge World is producing new miniatures to play out the Horus Heresy, they haven’t actually committed the Horus Heresy. You understand how one could be confused. At any rate, have a look at what’s new in the Horus Heresy–new Alpha Legion and Blood Angel Terminators, the Dark Magos Scoria, and then some!
via Warhammer Community
We start with Jenetia Krole, legendary Sister of Silence, who, I’ll admit, I thought was an Age of Sigmar model upon first glance. It’s the top knot that identifies her as a 40K model.
Here’s Scoria, who has transformed himself (assuming there’s enough flesh left in there to even have a sex) into a mechanical spider in order to audition for a part in the Wild Wild West movie.
The Carnodon Tank here is reppin’ that Solar Auxilla style, with its lasguns a-glowing from all the heretics that it’s smited. Smote?
Speaking of smiting, the Sons of Sanguinius are in fine form with new Praetor Terminators protecting them from the weapons of the Heresy.
Although they might want to watch out for their Alpha Legion counterparts…
So if you’re interested in being so ten-thousand late, then you can recreate the most historic of historical battles in 40K–with shiny new toys for your Heresy-era army.
We’ll keep an eye on the Forge World page in the next little while to keep you updated with all the info about the new releases. In the meantime, protect Holy Terra–or I guess try and conquer it, if that’s your thing, but spoiler alert–it doesn’t work out too well for Horus. I mean he might have the power of the Chaos Gods at his side, but he’s still Horus and the Emperor is still the Emperor.
And the Emperor…he protects.