FW: More Items Go ‘Last Chance To Buy’ – Xenos Edition

What do these Ork and T’au kits have in common? They are getting the AXE from Forge World! Come take a look at who else is on the chopping block and Forge World continues to clean house.
The latest batch of units and kits are getting the boot from Forge World. The next round of ‘Last Chance To Buy’ items is here and they are going FAST.
via Forge World
Last Chance To Buy
It’s kind of sad to see some of these kits go. The plus side is that some of these kits have been replaced or are just outdated anyways so it’s not a complete loss. The bigger question is what the heck is going on at Forge World? Why are they cleaning house with all these kits? The Horus Heresy rules are basically wrapped-up and all of these kits are going away – so that should free-up the team to work on something else, right? But what is that something else – who knows! Hopefully some sweet new kits and upgrades for all your favorite models.
Personally, I’d like to see Forge World make some weapon packs for some of the more hard to get bits. There is a pretty popular 3rd party bits market out there – perhaps Forge World is re-positioning itself to go after that market by making the bits everyone wants. I mean, that is WHY there is a 3rd party market – the demand is there and GW/FW aren’t filling it so 3rd parties have stepped up. I doubt GW would go after them in court after the Chapterhouse-saga. So having Forge World, your boutique resin bit and miniatures arm, produce specific bits and sell them seems like a logical fit.
So what do you think Forge World is up to with all these cuts to their model catalogue? Are they cleaning house to pivot to something else or are they just getting lean, mean and ready to make resin miniatures like never before?