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GW: Warhammer Fest Europe – Tickets Now Available

3 Minute Read
Jul 20 2018

Check your calendars next month for August 18th-19th, because Games Workshop is hosting the first ever Warhammer Fest in mainland Europe!

If you are in Europe (or if you want to plan a trip there) and will be in German city of Düsseldorf, then you should check out Warhammer Fest: Europe. It will be the first ever Warhammer Fest for the mainland and is sure to be a good show.

The Event is being held at the Maririm Hotel which has a covered walk way from the Düsseldorf Airport. Fly in, walk over, and enjoy the festivities. But what exactly are those festivities? Take it away GW:

via Warhammer Community

Warhammer Fest itself will be taking place in the hotel’s extensive suite of event halls and conference rooms, giving ample space for all attendees to view thousands of miniatures, meet designers, artists and writers and attend seminars – and there’s also plenty of room for the store area and the four gaming events taking place on the day.

Thousands of miniatures on display? Meet and greets with Designers, artists and writers? Seminars (that will probably involve a bunch of previews for upcoming products)? A store area AND four gaming events? That sounds like a pretty fun time to me.

If you are planning to go GW has a link to get a discounted rate to stay at the Maritim Hotel. And you’re also going to want to grab your tickets from Forge World:

Warhammer Fest Europe Weekend Ticket £32

This ticket grants entry to Saturday 18th August & Sunday 19th August 2018 of Warhammer Fest. Want your kids or younger hobby fans to enjoy the event? Children’s tickets are available for those aged 12 – 16, and children age 11 and under are free, no ticket required! Anyone aged 16 and under must be accompanied by a ticket-holding responsible adult.


Please note this is an English event with English Content.

Held over the weekend of 18th & 19th August 2018 at the Maritim Hotel, Düsseldorf, this is the inaugural Warhammer Fest Europe – the first to be held outside of the UK!. It’s the ultimate Warhammer experience that allows you to get closer to the conception and creation of our products than anywhere else – our writers, designers and painters will be on hand to demonstrate and answer questions. The latest miniatures and some event exclusives will be available for hobbyists to see and buy, and for the painters amongst you there’ll be the chance to enter your models in the world-famous Golden Demon painting contest. There’ll even be designers and sculptors on-hand to deliver seminars and answer your questions, demonstrations from our world-class painters and signing sessions from renowned Black Library authors.

At the Fest

– We’ll have studio areas set up, where you can meet, chat with and ask questions of staff from our creative studios: Forge World, the Citadel design and writing team, and members of the Specialist Games studio;
– Black Library authors in attendance, signing their work and chatting about the process of writing novels for Games Workshop;
– Seminars from the studios – in-depth details of how the latest creations were put together, with some sneak peeks into the future;
– Demonstration areas, in which you’ll be able to pick up top hints directly from the experts;
– All the latest miniatures (and some never seen before) for you to check out and buy – with exclusives and first chance to buy models;
– The legendary Golden Demon painting contest: enter your best-painted models and you could walk away with a Demon – or simply marvel at a collection of beautifully-painted miniatures



One last thing – I’m pretty sure they are going to be demoing Adeptus Titanicus at the event. Check out the lower right hand side of the banner:

Between the big banner behind the table, the Terrain, and the Titans in Adeptus Titanicus scale, I think it’s a pretty safe bet…


Warhammer Fest: European Vacation

Author: Adam Harrison
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