GW Pre-Order: Pricing & Links – Made To Order & More AoS

Games Workshop has the new Easy-to-build Age of Sigmar miniatures available plus some classic are back for a limited time!
Here are the Pricing & Links for this weekend’s Games Workshop Pre-orders.
via Games Workshop
Greasus Goldtooth – Made To Order $65
Zacharius the Everliving – Made To Order $50
Gorbad Ironclaw – Made To Order $50
Settra the Imperishable – Made To Order $50
Grom the Paunch – Made To Order $35
High Queen Khalida – Made To Order $25
Easy to Build: Astreia Solbright, Lord-Arcanum $40
Masters of aetheric lightning who can manipulate the cerulean energy of Azyr, the leaders of the Sacrosanct Chamber are known as Lord-Arcanums. Their storm-sight allows them to see the souls of living creatures, and they can hurl destructive bolts and empower the warriors around them with but a whispered phrase. A Lord-Arcanum that rides a Celestial Dracoline to war is typically a bombastic and bellicose type. It is just as well, for the Dracoline would soon desert a rider that could not win its favour – or worse, casually disembowel them in a blur of claws.
Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this kit assembles a Lord-Arcanum – Astreia Solbright – mounted on a Celestial Dracoline. Push-fit, with no glue required, this kit is incredibly straightforward to put together and comes on a pre-coloured gold plastic sprue.
Lord-Arcanum Astreia Solbright is a shining example of Stormcast Eternals might. She wears the armour of the the Evocators of the Stormcast Eternals, covered in sigils and signs, with a clasp at the back in the shape of 2 lightning bolts securing her cloak. She carries an aetherstave, with a spirit flask in her left hand; adding to her preparedness for spiritual warfare are a number of accessories – an additional spirit flask, a sword, saddlebags, rolls of parchment and books. Her Dracoline mount, known as Kazra, is stalking prey with feline grace and aggression, its muscular legs ending in four sets of fearsome claws. Its skin is covered in a combination of fur and scales and its harness and reins are emblazoned with the icon of the Sacrosanct Chamber. The Dracoline is posed atop a sculpted base, depicting fallen ruins crushing a Stormcast Eternals statue.
This kit comes as 25 push-fit components, and is supplied with a Stormcast Eternals transfer sheet and a Citadel 90mm Oval base.
Easy to Build: Celestar Ballista $25
The Sacristan Engineers of the Sacrosanct Chambers hail from the Ordinatus Conclave – sometimes known as the Conclave of the Thunderbolt for the devastating effect it can have on battle. These warrior-engineers command the chambers’ magical field artillery. When a Celestar Ballista is set up to defend a sacred site, approaching too close can mean an explosive death. Their rune-inscribed projectiles are filled with coils of stray lightning coaxed down from the top of a Sigmarabulum, and are launched like streaks of blue-white energy at the foe. Should their strike be true, they will blast right through the target in a chain explosion of arcane force.
Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this kit assembles a Celestar Ballista, crewed by 2 Stormcast Eternals Sacristan Engineers. Push-fit, with no glue required, this kit is incredibly straightforward to put together and comes on pre-coloured gold plastic.
The Sacristan Ballista is a powerful launcher, which sits on a tripod and is attended by 2 Sacristan Engineers. The Ballista itself is aggressive and slightly spartan, effectively a large armoured crossbow. At the front are 4 barrels, which launch the runed bolts, with armour plates featuring a lion motif and inscriptions. From above, the loading mechanisms are visible – rather than firing the rather unstable energy-filled bolts directly, cartridges are used to load artillery into the ballista. The Engineers are armed with sigmarite blades, though this is not their primary equipment – they hold measuring equipment, compasses and cartridges, all used to calibrate, load and fire the Ballista. There is a helmeted Engineer and 1 unhelmeted; both feature the iconography of the Sacrosanct Chamber. Extra details for the base are included, with an ammunition box full of cartridges, and another box filled with spare instruments.
This kit comes as 17 components, and is supplied with a Stormcast Eternals transfer sheet, a Citadel 60mm Round base and 2 Citadel 40mm Round bases.
Evocators $50
The eyes of an Evocator in full battle rage flash with sparks, and veins of lightning glow beneath his skin – the same energy that plays over his tempest blade and stormstave as he advances, arcing outward to ground nearby. These bursts are deadly, and can blacken and scorch anyone nearby if not channeled carefully and consciously – when channeled in this way, however, this energy can be used to empower the Evocators’ fellow Stormcast Eternals with Azyrite energy. When their stormstaves and tempest blades strike the foe, the captive cables of energy that link their weapons wind around the enemy, burning them to the bone before leaping back to crackle between their masters’ weapons once more. Even an orruk horde will buckle under the intensity of a massed Evocator assault.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 5 Stormcast Eternals Evocators. Each of the 5 is clad in Stormcast Eternals armour, with cloaks, tabards and ornate helms denoting their status as lightning-empowered shock troops of Sigmar. Dotted around their forms is the symbol of the Sacrosanct Chamber, the 3-marked anvil. Each can be armed with either a combination of tempest blade and stormstave, or a 2-handed grandstave. There are options for an Evocator-Prime – assemblable as male or female variants, this model can be built in a pose featuring magical lightning, or with its hand to its head, concentrating on a particularly powerful incantation. A model can be assembled as a Knight-Incantor, with a splendid beard and windswept hair gesturing toward the foe in a magically intimidating pose.
This kit comes as 76 components, and is supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases and a Stormcast Eternals Transfer sheet.
Kurdoss Valentian, The Craven King $45
In life, Kurdoss Valentian had a ruthless desire to rule, and many were his wicked deeds to secure power. Nagash ensured that his ultimate dream was secured in name only, however, making him little more than a strongman fated to always follow the lead of Lady Olynder. The dire presence of Kurdoss Valentian is announced by dirgeful trumpets and grim proclamations of his basest deeds. The Craven King sits silent and motionless upon his drifting throne until he closes with the enemy, and then he wields the Sepulchral Sceptre to deadly effect, mercilessly slaying all whom his queen bids.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King. Seated silent and unmoving on his cracked, crumbling throne, Kurdoss is a hunched, slumped figure who nonetheless exudes an aura of pure menace, with his sinister, 3-pointed crown entirely enclosing his face in a skull-like mask. One hand clutches the arm of his throne, while the other holds the Sepulchral Sceptre – far from an ornate, bejeweled ceremonial staff, this is a solid weapon designed to crack open the skulls of those who rouse Kurdoss’ fury. Flanking him on either side are his accompanying Wraith Heralds, who are bound to him eternally – one as a banner-bearer, the other carrying a trumpet. The twisted forms of tormented souls rise high above Kurdoss, and the whole miniature is borne aloft on a swirling column of ethereal energy which attaches to the base.
This kit comes as 19 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 60mm Round base.
Easy to Build: Reikenor the Grimhailer $40
Once a sorcerer-king rich in the knowledge of amethyst magic, Reikenor ran afoul of Nagash. Now, in undeath, the Grimhailer is cursed to serve the Great Necromancer, acting as his chief reaper of souls. There are few sights more ominous than the macabre wraith-wizard atop his winged steed, lit by the eerie light of his corpse candles. Through his incantations, Reikenor can summon a wraithstorm – a cyclone of amethyst magic that stirs those souls recently separated from their bodies. His spell incites them to savagely attack their former comrades, a hurricane that hacks and pulls down the living; thus is a dark vengeance delivered to those who would thwart Nagash.
Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this kit assembles Reikenor the Grimhailer, mounted on his steed, the Nightmare Kyallaron. Push-fit, with no glue required, this kit is incredibly straightforward to put together and comes on pre-coloured turquoise plastic.
Reikenor the Grimhailer is an impressively aggressive-looking and sinister Nighthaunt miniature. His ethereal form is clad in a tattered cloak, beneath which is visible a skeletal mask, and thin arms grasping his weapon – a great scythe known as Fellreaper, which features a grave-sand filled hourglass hanging from a chain – and the reins of his mount, a winged Nightmare named Kyallaron. This steed is magnificent, despite its necrotic status – large, tattered wings sprout from its back, and on the whole it has the appearance of impressively muscular power, even with its ribs visible and its legs being nothing more than bone. Its armoured helm is covered in dripping corpse candles, as is Reikenor’s, and the whole miniature is depicted swooping low over a graveyard scene, a sinister winged skeleton statue providing the support.
This kit comes as 11 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 75mm Oval scenic base.
Easy to Build: Dreadblade Harrows $25
The Dreadblade Harrows are the officers beneath the Knights of Shrouds. In life, each of these wights watched their leader’s betrayal, neither helping nor hindering. Even for Nighthaunts, Deadblade Harrows are especially discorporate, phantasmal figures who can disappear and reappear at will. They are the Knights of Regret, full of bitter recrimination, who in battle serve as bodyguards and lieutenants or are despatched as outriders. Rearing upon their spectral steeds, they vanish into wisps of mist only to gallop out of thin air elsewhere to carry out the most unchivalrous commands – culling the vulnerable, cutting off retreating warriors, and other heinous tasks.
Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this kit assembles 2 Easy To Build Dreadblade Harrows. Push-fit, with no glue required, this kit is incredibly straightforward to put together and comes on a pre-coloured turquoise plastic sprue.
The Dreadblade Harrows are a pair of mounted spectral knights, seemingly a touch more solid than many of their Nighthaunt brethren, but no less sinister. Each is armed with a dreadblade held aloft in their right hand, with their left hands clutching the reins – one set spiked, one set ornate – of their steed. Not much else is visible of the Harrows themselves, with a helmeted skull peering out from beneath their cloak. Their mount is large and muscular; its ethereal skin is torn and tattered, making its ribcage visible, with its head being no more than a skull. The rear of the steed is depicted as tailing off into ethereal vapour, as the Harrow emerges from nothing to attack.
This kit comes as 12 push-fit components, and is supplied with 2 textured 60mm oval bases – these feature the graveyard detritus expected from the Nighthaunt.
Tempest of Souls $80
Ancient skeletons and mouldering corpses crawl from their barrows, called forth by the dark sorcery of Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead. Ancient beyond reckoning, cruel and infinitely calculating, Nagash seeks to remake the Mortal Realms in his own image, transforming them into an ordered empire of mindless thralls, leashed to his will. In opposition, thunder rolls as the Stormcast Eternals, heavenly champions of order, rage forth to meet this threat head-on in epic clashes to decide the fate of the world, This is a new epoch, a time of mighty battles and unending war, a time of heroes and monsters. This is the Age of Sigmar!
A perfect introduction to Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and the wider hobby of collecting, building, painting and playing with Citadel miniatures, Tempest of Souls & Paint is a starter set packed with miniatures, rules and accessories that will have you up and running in no time. It includes 32 miniatures split across the factions of the heroic Stormcast Eternals and ghastly, undead Nighthaunt – mortal enemies locked in unending combat – and all the tools and paints you need to get them clipped off the frame and painted.
Storm Strike $40
Ancient skeletons and mouldering corpses crawl from their barrows, called forth by the dark sorcery of Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead. Ancient beyond reckoning, cruel and infinitely calculating, Nagash seeks to remake the Mortal Realms in his own image, transforming them into an ordered empire of mindless thralls, leashed to his will. In opposition, thunder rolls as the Stormcast Eternals, heavenly champions of order, rage forth to meet this threat head-on in epic clashes to decide the fate of the world, This is a new epoch, a time of mighty battles and unending war, a time of heroes and monsters. This is the Age of Sigmar!
Ideal for those new to Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and the wider hobby of collecting, building, painting and playing with Citadel miniatures, Storm Strike is a starter set containing 15 push-fit miniatures split across the factions of the heroic Stormcast Eternals and ghastly, undead Nighthaunt – mortal enemies locked in unending combat – along with detailed guides on assembling, painting and playing with them.
Mark me down for those Nighthaunts…