Industry BREAKING: Christian T. Petersen Departing as Asmodee CEO

Asmodee North America has just announced the departure of Asmodee CEO and FFG’s founder Christian T. Petersen.
via Asmodee NA
Roseville, MN – Long-time hobby games entrepreneur, designer, and industry veteran Christian T. Petersen told staff this week that he would be stepping down from his role as CEO of Asmodee North America at the end of 2018. Petersen, 46, founded Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) in 1995 and served as its CEO until FFG’s merger with Asmodee in 2014, at which time he moved into his current role.
“After nearly twenty years with FFG and four years with Asmodee, I’ve seen our market go through tremendous change and amazing growth. Tabletop games have been accepted into the fabric of society and represented in pop-culture more positively than anyone could have hoped for when I joined the industry. I feel fortunate to have experienced this phenomenon first-hand, and to have been part of such an incredible journey.
“Now it’s time to hand the reins to a new generation of leaders who along with the amazing staff at Asmodee North America and its studios (Catan, Days of Wonder, FFG, Heidelbär, Plaid Hat, and Z-Man), will move forward with their own unique energy and vision. I have no doubt that they’ll be better, burn brighter, and achieve ever more fantastic things. I can’t wait to see what they’ll do, and to play what they’llmake.
“The games to be released from our U.S. studios over the next 6-12 months, represent the final game products in which I have played a part. I could not have hoped for a more innovative, more commercially exciting, or more satisfying finale.
“I leave to focus on family, health, and the pursuit of other interests. My departure has been long-planned with the Asmodee Group CEO, and my friend, Stephane Carville.
“I’m proud to leave Asmodee North America in extraordinarily capable hands. I’llalways be grateful to my terrific colleagues and business partners over the years, and most especially to the players. I could not have done it without you, but I’m sure you can do it without me.”
During his tenure, Petersen provided vision, guidance, and creative input on hundreds of game titles, and was the lead designer on several popular games, including Twilight Imperiumand A Game of Thrones: The Board Game. As a business leader, Petersen was among the first to pioneer international co-manufacturing of U.S. tabletop games, and forged successful alliances, partnerships, and licensing relationships with a wide array of persons and organizations.
As Petersen exits his role, Asmodee North America will transition into two distinct business units: Asmodee North America Publishing led by Steve Horvath, and Asmodee North America Distribution led by Andre Kieren.
~This is a BIG shakeup in the industry everybody. More as it comes in.