Privateer Preview – Industrial Strength All-Purpose Monster Repellant

We’ve got a sneak preview of some new Monsterpocalypse terrain from Privateer Press. Come see what hazards await your monsters.
“When the Monsterpocalypse arrives, reach for industrial strength…”
You can see what we mean by hazards. There’s no way that whatever’s contained within those barrels is not toxic, radioactive, caustic, and/or (seriously hoping for ‘and’) explosive. Which makes sense, one of the iconic things about giant Kaiju fights is the idea of battling it out in a ruined city. And this piece of terrain looks entirely too detailed to not have some kind of in-game effect.
It looks a bit extravagant compared to some of the terrain we’ve seen previewed in the Monsterpocalypse, er, previews. So it makes me wonder what larger thing it’s a part of. At any rate, that’s something only time or incredibly sophisticated, nigh-sapient prediction algorithms can reveal for certain.
One thing’s for sure, though, this terrain is a barrel of laughs.