Star Wars X-Wing: Scum & Villainy Conversion Kit Unboxing

Take a look inside the Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit in all it’s scummy and villainous glory. It’s a whole new edition and X-Wing’s third faction isn’t pulling any punches this time around – This is my kind of scum!
X-Wing Second Edition is coming September 13th and we’ve already gotten to take a look at the Core Set, and both the Rebel and Empire Conversion Kits. Today we’re taking a tour of the contents of the Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit – these are the rogues who play by their own rules:
Let’s kick this one off by answering one question a lot of players have had: How many ships can I run in a game if I get this pack. Well that is based on the number of dials per ship – and that does NOT line-up with the number of pilots provided per ship. So what ships are supported in the box based on the dials provided:
Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit
2 – Hound’s Tooth
2 – HWK-290
2 – IG-2000
3 – Kihraxz Fighter
2 – Kimogila Fighter
4 – M3-A Interceptor
2 – Mist Hunter
3 – Protectorate Starfighter
2 – Punishing One
3 – Quadjumper
2 – Scurrg H-6 Bomber
2 – Shadow Caster
2 – Slave I
2 – StarViper
2 – Y-wing
4 – Z-95 Headhunter
Why the difference? Beats me – but if I had to guess I’d think it would have to do with the game sizes and the number of points per ship. For example in X-Wing 1.0 you really couldn’t fit more than 2 IG-2000 ships in a single 100 point list. I’m betting that in X-Wing 2.0 you’re going to find a similar restriction due to points. Unfortunately, none of the cards have points on them so we’re waiting for the upcoming Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 App like everyone else.
There are lots of returning favorites and a couple new faces as well. There are also some pretty big changes to “go-to” ships in the faction. I wouldn’t be shocked if the reign of rookie U-Boat pilots (Jumpmaster 5k) has been stalled out in 2.0. That said, it’s a little hard to judge where Scum will end up just by looking at the cards. While I’m super pumped to give these ships a go, we still don’t know what load-out are available to them yet or what slots they have. All of that will be included with the app along with the points.
That said, this conversion pack is still a must-buy if you’re a Scum and Villainy player. You’re going to get all your cardboard ship tokens and cards to convert your ships from 1.o to 2.0 – and that’s a pretty big deal! Just about every card has gotten a tweak here and there and it feels like a new ball game.
I’ve been try to think of an analogy for 2.0 to describe the way it feels new but familiar at the same time. The closest I can come-up with is a new season of a TV show or a Sport. You know the cast and crew (or the players in on a team) but it’s a fresh start. Things have shifted around – maybe a new face is here – but its fundamentally the same, yet it feels different and new. That’s X-Wing 2.0 to me. It’s exciting times and I can’t wait for September 13th to get here!
Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit $49.95
Driven by their desire for profit, bounty hunters will relentlessly pursue their quarry to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Far from the uniform ranks of the Rebellion or the Empire, these mercenaries often inject their own style and flair into their work. With the Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit, you can take your own ragtag band of bounty hunters into X-Wing Second Edition right away.
The Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit contains everything that you need to take your existing colleciton of first edition Scum and Villainy ships into the game’s second edition. Here, you’ll find an assortment of second edition punchboard, ship cards, and upgrade cards, letting you bring the galaxy’s most dangerous beings to life on your tabletop. In addition to being present in the Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit, all of the Scum and Villainy ships and upgrades found in the conversion kit will be fully implemented in the X-Wing Second Edition squad-builder at launch, giving you the opportunity to experiment with a full complement of new content. Likewise, first-time players can use the conversion kit and first edition expansions to get a feel for the game with as many different ships as possible!
No disintegrations!