The Black Coach Is Deathly And Beautiful – Get A Close Look Inside

The Black Coach rides into the Age of Sigmar next week–well it’s available for pre-order at any rate, so technically it’ll be riding into the Age of Sigmar week after. Either way, we have some sweet details on it for you today.
Alright folks, today we have a close-up look at the intricate details of the new Black Coach model, up for pre-order next week from GW. There’s a lot to take in, so let’s get right to it.
via Warhammer Community
Alright, so we’ve all seen the reimagined Black Coach by now. For being a harrowing coach that carries the condemned soul of a vampire that’s been bound and chained and locked away for eternity, this coach sure gets around.
Now let’s see what we can dive into here. Let’s start with the biggest detail, the ghostly attendants of the coach itself.
Oh hey, there’s the thing that they’re attending. You can just see the edges of the Vampire, bound up in chains and an iron death-mask, lit by the ghostly green lights of the hour-glass lamps that hang from the edge of the coach. The Spectral attendants float by protectively, wonder what’s written in the book that one is holding.
The ghostly, thorned wheels of the carriage have a lot of detail as well–but I love the iron fists holding onto the suspension of the carriage. And note the vampire teeth adorning the skull–everything about this coach screams vampire. Which makes sense, given what’s contained within.
I love the detail of the bloodstain around the belt there, indicating where the stake has been driven. There are also some fine details accompanying the coach like the different gravestones–
You’ll get a few extra variants in the kit as well. And we’d be remiss if we forgot the driver, working away as he did in life.
Even when you’re dead, you gotta make a living, I guess.
At any rate, that’s the Black Coach folks. Enjoy, and get ready to see this deathly display hit tabletops shortly.
You can tell that Vampire was miserly though–even in death, he’s traveling coach…