Upcoming GW Minis, Titanicus Latest, Warhammer RPG, and X-Wing Gets Points

What a busy tabletop weekend. We have tons of GW minis, new Necromunda, Titanicus, Warhammer Fantasy & Zombicide RPGs, plus new GW minis, X-Wing 2.0 points and more!
Age of Sigmar Incoming – Bladegeist Revenants, Dreadscythe Harridans, Dracoline Riders, And More
If you like Age of Sigmar and also vaguely archaic sounding compound words, then, my friends, this week is your week. Wizards, ghosts, and ghost wizards abound this week for the Age of Sigmar.
RPG: Got A Zombie Infestation? Sounds Like You’ll Need Zombicide
Just announced from CMON–Zombicide the board game, the RPG. Featuring asymmetrical mechanics, and a horde of zombies, the board-game based RPG will be featured sometime next year.
GW: Gang War 4 Is Out For Pre-Order Next Week
Gang War IV officially introduces the hot-tempered gangers of House Cawdor, but it also brings things like Brutes and Dominion Campaigns to Necromunda as well. You can pre-order it next week!
GW: August White Dwarf Leaks – Adeptus Titanicus Wave One
The August White Dwarf is nearing its release, which means we’re starting to see pictures from it filter in through various spots on the internet. As you’d expect, Adeptus Titanicus plays a big part in next month’s issue.
Privateer Press: New Releases This Week – Combat Alchemists, Rocket Artillery, And Hollow Holden
The Crucible Guard get some serious supporting firepower this week in the form of their Combat Alchemists, some heavy rocket gunnery crews, and an alchemically powered Warjack…
A Grim And Perilous Adventure Awaits You – WFRP Pre-Order Is Live Now
Step into the world-that-was one last time, unless you’re also playing Warhammer Total War Warhammer, in which case here’s another avenue for you to explore the once-proud nations of Warhammer Fantasy.
GW: New Pre-Orders Stormcasts, Nighthaunts & Kill Team – ‘Pricing & Links’
Games Workshop has more Kill Team and Age of Sigmar goodies up for Pre-order this weekend. Here are the pricing and links!
Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition – Points Now Available
Calling all X-Wing Pilots – it’s time to launch! Star-Wars: X-Wing Second Edition points are now available from FFG. Time to check your squads because it’s GO TIME!
40K: GW Teases ‘Secrets’ of the Sector Imperialis Kits
The Sector Imperialis Terrain kits are out in stores this weekend and they are fantastic. That said, GW has put together some tips and tricks about building them. On top of that, they also have secrets about the kits waiting to be discovered.