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40K: More Adeptus Titanicus Leaks – Movement And Combat

3 Minute Read
Aug 10 2018
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Titans may be nigh invulnerable, but apparently they are not watertight. The leaks keep pouring in folks, today,  movement, combat, and falling titans.

The only way this week could be leakier is if someone decided to go back through and post the Titanicus box from a sinking ship. Seriously, whole pages are being leaked on imgur, as pointed out by the folks over at Spiky Bits. So since these secrets have come to light, let’s taco bout them.

via Imgur

Alright let’s dive in, first up movement. And again, from what we’ve seen, you’re really getting a feel for the bulk and massiveness of the Titans. They feel like the plodding, gigantic warmachines they are.

As you can see, it’s all about arcs and positioning. And resource management in the form of controlling your reactor and giving the right kind of orders. Knowing when to push your reactor, which might run the risk of overloading it, or when to hang back is key. But pushing your reactor gives you extra orders like Power to Locomotors!

I’ve said before that they really nail the feeling of these massive bulwarks, and all that comes to play in limitations to how much you can turn, and if course what happens when Titans crash into other objects.


Then there’s the combat phase, which is crunchy enough to include the phrase firing solution. Basically, you pick a weapon and a target and go to town, each gun like its own unit.

Then after all this fighting, it’s time for some damage–we’ve already seen the catastrophic damage tables, but assuming you endure your damage, you’ll want to repair it.

And then there are the other phases as well.


At any rate, there’s a lot to look forward to. Crunchy rules, awesome models, all coming this weekend in Adeptus Titanicus.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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    Warhammer 40K