40K: Orks Orks Orks – New Rumors Scrap To The Surface
It’s not even Orktober yet and we’re already seeing more rumors swelling to the surface. It makes sense, Orks constantly are hungering for a good scrap, so even rumors about them are eager to get out there. This batch has Stratagems and more new units though, so grab your spice and dive on in.
This crop of rumors comes to you courtesy of KiriothTV who claims to have been sent a boatload of rumors from “An Ork Codex Playtester” who is pretty certain that the draft they playtested was either the final draft or very close to the last one. There’s a lot in this one folks, everything from new models introduced in the codex to a look at some of the stratagems and playstyles of the Orks. And to help you understand how well-seasoned these rumors are, the source of this information did name the Boomdakka Snazzwagon, Kustom Boosta-Blasta, and Shockjump Dragsta correctly well ahead of their announcements. So. Get your seasoning of choice (I’m going with Smoked Paprika) and let’s see what we find.
via KiriothTV
First up there are rumored to be three more vehicles that we haven’t seen named yet. They are:
- Megatrakk Scrapjet
- Rockettrukk Squigbuggy
- Wartrike
The Wartrike is specifically going to be a Hero Vehicle, which given the way it was mentioned makes it seem like it could be an HQ choice for Orks. Then on top of that, there’s another new model, the Mek Shop, which is said to buff vehicles in a fashion very similar to the Sacristan Forgeshrine, giving vehicles max shots per gun instead of rolling for them.
This, coupled with the already extant vehicles means Orks will be a powerhouse at getting in with the early game, especially if you believe some of the stratagems that are rumored to be in the Codex, including:
- A Tellyport stratagem that lets you hold back up to 20PL in Orks and teleport them outside of 9″ from an enemy
- Green Tide – Take a boyz unit that’s under half strength and set it up Tide of Traitors style, 6 inches from a table edge and 9 inches from an enemy
- Grot Shield – Grots become ablative wounds, letting you transfer a wound on a 2+ but only if the grots are closer to the shooting unit
- Ramming Speed – A vehicle can charge 3d6 and do mortal wounds when successfully charging (making Gorkanauts amazing)
- Looted – An Ork Infantry Unit gains +1 to their armor saves when a vehicle is destroyed near them
- Long Uncontrolled Bursts – Flyers that shoot at other Flyers gain +1 to hit
- Get Stuck In – Ork Infantry can pile in and attack again in close combat
So in this list there are a few old favorites, there’s the “fight again” stratagem that everyone and their brother has access to, a reinforcement stratagem, but my favorite ones by far are the flavorful ones up there. Long Uncontrolled Bursts in particular feels very Orky. Same with Looted, there’s a lot that gives them their personality as a bunch of boyz looking for the best scrap they can find. If these all prove true.
Finally there’s the rumors we’ve seen so far–the Clan Traits Rumors seem to be borne out by what we’ve got here. And Kustom Force Fields are now changed to Wholly Within their range, which seems like a common sense kinda thing.
All in all this is quite the passel of rumors. They certainly feel credible, but we’ll have to wait and see.
What do you think? Do these Rumors bear out any truth? If so, how does that affect the Orks?