40K: Rogue Trader Is Coming To Kill Team

I mean we knew Rogue Trader was coming, but here’s a look at what it’s actually like–take a look inside the box set, and feast your eyes on these sweet Nurgle and Rogue Trader models.
Warhammer Fest continues–although with the strange nature of time and reality, it’s probably already over by the time you’re reading this. But don’t let yourself get drawn into an existential well of despair (which, incidentally is the name of my prog metal band, we’re touring later this fall), because these Rogue Trader minis are awesome enough to counteract the overwhelming terror of existence! That’s right, you no longer need to fear the simple act of existing in a Universe that is impossibly huge. Elucia Vhane and her motley crew of Rogue Traders is here.
via Warhammer Community
Kill Team: Rogue Trader is a massive expansion to Kill Team that has something for every kind of player. Kill Team has offered us the chance to explore the 41st Millennium in ways that were never previously possible, with its intimate, ground-level scale letting us peek into the darker corners of the lore.
Kill Team: Rogue Trader is a milestone for Warhammer bringing Rogue Traders and their crews – the daring colonisers who claim new territory for the Imperium – to life in miniature form for the first time since Inquisitor. These miniatures are truly incredible, exploring in astounding detail a part of the lore that previously only dwelled in novels or background:
And more and more of thesepictures are coming out–I am all ABOUT these minis. Here’s a bunch from MiniWars
And that’s not all. There’s a new Killzone coming, the Deathworld Forest.
And there are two new starter boxes coming as well! Drukhari and Death Watch!
More, of course will be coming–this is only the beginning.
Though it is nice to see a Kill Team that’s also a Killteam.