A Different Perspective on Female Space Marines

Hi everyone !!! Black Blow Fly here wading into the pool to finally weigh in on the hot topic of female Space Marines.
Larry had his say and so did Abe, so it’s my turn. I’d like to preface this article with the following statement – everything I say here is only my opinion – that’s it. Also note I honestly don’t follow this topic closely but that said I do think it’s quite interesting.
To Do, or Not To Do?
First off I think that this is not something GW has to do or necessarily needs to do. However, if done right it could be quite cool and add more depth to the Warhammer 40k universe. Several years ago before this was such a hot topic I wrote a short story about a female Space Wolf. She came from a parallel universe in search of other Space Wolves to assist her with overthrowing a tyrannical group that had taken control of her home world following when the original high tech leaders had left to explore deep space in search of other forms of intelligent life. There was zero pushback from the internet and overall it was well received.
Enter Chaos, Stage Left
Now let’s take a quick look at traitor Marines – I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to consider a follower of Slaanesh being transformed into a female Chaos Space Marine. It’s not something I think Fabius Bile would do… it’d be more in line with the fell powers of the warp for whatever reason. Would anybody even bat an eye if it were to happen? Obviously the introduction of female Space Marines would definitely need to be handled much better than their quasi counterparts – Primaris Space Marines. Canon must be changed which happens quite often… I’ll just leave it at that for now.
But, But, But…They’re Already Doing It!
The introduction of female Space Marines wouldn’t detract from other existing factions such as the Sisters of Battle. Many factions are already represented by both sexes such as Dark Eldar, Eldar and Imperial Guard – I don’t ever remember it being a big deal. If this were to happen I’d like to see their power armor very similar to existing marks – pretty much unisex. In fact you can purchase female heads and use them… there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from doing so.
~That’s all I have to say and I offer this as another perspective.