D&D: Eberron Comes To The Adventurer’s League

Experiences the Embers of the Last War with D&D’s official organized play system, the Adventurer’s League. Launching this fall: a twelve-adventure long campaign will take players on a grand tour of Eberron, allowing players and DMs alike to explore the new setting officially in the AL.
Things are moving fast folks. The Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron has been out for scarcely two weeks and already there’s a soon-to-be adventurer’s league legal campaign/encounter supplement, and now we find out that there’s an official Eberron campaign being planned for organized play. Spanning twelve different adventures, each geared to be ~4 hours long, the Embers of the Last War will take players through the dizzying highs and lows of Sharn, the legendary City of Towars, in a race against opponents both direct and indirect (shadowy crime syndicates, anyone) as they try and stamp out the last few dying embers of a decades old (but not old enough) conflict…the Last War.
via Wizards of the Coast
The Dungeon Masters Guild Adepts are pleased to announce a new D&D Adventurers League storyline set in Sharn. Embers of the Last War is a twelve-adventure campaign that sees the characters face off against governments, criminal organizations, and dragonmarked houses while attempting to uncover a mystery that could reignite the Last War. The adventures take place in Eberron’s story-rich City of Towers, a place filled with magic, secrets, and shadowy thrills.
The storyline kicks off with What’s Past is Prologue, an adventure for 0-level characters by Alan Patrick, with simple rules for 0-level character creation included. The adventure is set in the final days of the Last War before the Day of Mourning and introduces new and experienced players to Eberron and the Embers of the Last War storyline. At the end of What’s Past is Prologue, the characters are retired from play, and 1st-level characters are built to take you through the rest of the campaign.
This just sounds cool. What a way to kick off a delve into a whole new world. Dive feet first into the deep in, play during one of the seminal events of the setting: the Last War. If you’re not familiar with Eberron–it’s basically World War 1 and the Hundred Years’ War all rolled together. The general air of Eberron is that it’s a world in between conflicts, a great magical weapon was unleashed during the final days, creating the Mournland, a trackless, devastated magical wasteland full of unknown horrors. It was enough to stop the war–but even dying embers can be enough to stoke old flames. The Last War is the source of tension and conspiracies–Eberron is notorious for intrigue and spies as well as its dinosaur riding warriors and magic robots.
So players get to experience first hand what makes Eberron tick, and then the rest kicks off with a mystery that leads players through Sharn in a race to stop a killer. But, like most everything inside ‘civilized’ Khorvaire…nothing is what it seems. Here’s a look at the other 12 adventures in the series.
DDAL-ELW01: Murder in Skyway by Greg Marks (Tier 1; Optimized for 1st-level characters)
On a dark and stormy night, the characters discover a dead body in Sharn’s wealthiest district… just as the Sharn Watch arrives! To clear their names, the characters must hunt the real killer through the mean streets of the City of Towers.
DDAL-ELW02: Boromar Ball by Bill Benham (Tier 1; Optimized for 2nd-level characters)
The trail of a stolen letter leads the characters to an extravagant party thrown by Sharn’s most powerful criminal family. At this ball, the wrong dance step means death!
DDAL-ELW03: The Cannith Code by Cindy Moore (Tier 1; Optimized for 3rd-level characters)
AdvertisementTo crack a secret code, the characters trace the gnome who formulated the cipher. When they learn he’s been imprisoned in a high-security compound, they launch the jailbreak of the century to bust him out.
DDAL-ELW04: Jack of Daggers by Ginny Loveday (Tier 1; Optimized for 4th-level characters)
Caught between House Phiarlan and a criminal syndicate, the characters delve into the city’s underworld to discover who’s hiring killers for their dirty work. Things get out of control fast – and what could be faster than the high-speed lightning rail to Thrane?
DDAL-ELW05: Against the Lightning by Will Doyle (Tier 2; Optimized for 5th-level characters)
Subscribe to our newsletter!Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox.By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.An assassin’s trail lures the characters into a lethal deathtrap. But who wants them dead… and why? In the City of Towers, the person holding all the answers is usually the one holding the dagger to your back.
DDAL-ELW06: A Holy Visit by Ashley Warren (Tier 2; Optimized for 6th-level characters)
When the Church of the Silver Flame visits Sharn’s finest inn, it’s a chance for the characters to infiltrate and ask hard questions. But they’re not the only ones looking for answers.
AdvertisementDDAL-ELW07: Blades of Terror by Lysa Chen (Tier 2; Optimized for 7th-level characters)
What secret cargo is House Cannith hiding in an airship bound for Aundair? A simple heist at 30,000 feet turns deadly when a new threat rises out of the Mournland!
DDAL-ELW08: The Kundarak Job by Shawn Merwin (Tier 2; Optimized for 8th-level characters)
One of Sharn’s most influential figures is hiding something… inside a House Kundarak vault. To acquire the answers they need, the characters must break into one of Sharn’s most secure locations AND get out alive.
DDAL-ELW09: Searching for Secrets by Travis Woodall (Tier 2; Optimized for 9th-level characters)
Sharn’s undercity, the Cogs, hides a devastating secret that could reignite the Last War. As agents of the Lord of Blades tighten the noose around the characters’ necks, the characters search for the entrance to a hidden forge.
DDAL-ELW10: The Killing Blade by Robert Adducci (Tier 2; Optimized for 10th-level characters)
AdvertisementAs the embers of the Last War ignite across the City of Towers, House Deneith enlists the characters to uncover a terrorist base of operations and storm the compound before it’s too late.
DDAL-ELW11: Secrets Below by M.T. Black (Tier 2; Optimized for 10th-level characters)
In a secret lab beneath the city, the characters face mechanical horrors and an even more dangerous truth. To survive, they must make a choice that impacts all of Khorvaire!
This all sounds amazing. And, you can run the campaign with the newly released Encounters in Sharn starting September 21st. Even if you’re not into organized play, you can still find this campaign ready and waiting for you. So be sure and check back here for more news and reviews. Eberron is a vibrant setting, and we’re excited to dive back into it.
Happy Adventuring!