Gale Force Nine – Vault Of Dragons And More At GenCon 2018
We tracked down the folks from Gale Force Nine to see what exciting developments they had at this year’s Gen Con. Vault of the Dragons was the big showpiece here, but for Fantasy and Sci-Fi fans, there’s a lot to get excited about in the coming year.
Gale Force Nine has really been killing it with their D&D releases this last year, and now they’re partnering with Wizards of the Coast to bring you the other side of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist in Vault of Dragons. As we’ve talked about before, The Vault of Dragons is a board game that casts players as members of one of the four factions plotting to steal a vault of gold dragons (Waterdeep’s currency) from a vault of gold dragons (the actual monster). But first you’ll have to find the vault, and go on adventures to delve within Undermountain–and avoiding the activities of rival gangs.
And that’s just one of the myriad releases coming from Gale Force Nine. Since then their big mystery product has been revealed–the Dune game. The spice must flow, after all, and it will soon enough. But as they spin up their engines to fold space and bring us into the world where desert power rules everything, and Sting wears wingtip underpants…
…there’s a lot more coming our way. Including another expansion for Star Trek Ascendancy, with two new factions coming in. Andorians and Vulcans, with Andorians functioning a bit like aggressive Ferengi but with cooler ships, and with Vulcans adhering to their own logical dictates and demands. They actually sound like a really cool way to expand the game–they work off of a set of hidden victory conditions, and they’re sort of non-typical ways of winning the game. It might be science or exploration driven. It could be something like build X number of ships.
Just like a green-blooded devil to do something random then tell you he’s won…
Then of course there’s my own personal favorite parts–there’s the Dungeons and Dragons accessories. GF9 already makes a robust, extensive deck of spell cards and now they’re adding Magic Items to that, so you can hand players a card whenever they find a bag of holding. Or for more fun, hand them a bag of holding card, and then when they put it in, tell them to flip it over to where you’ve taped the entry for a bag of devouring instead.
But even more exciting than that are the new miniatures. They’ve got an owlbear coming up as part of their painting set series–you’ll get a bunch of new paints and an owlbear to steer them by, as well as some of the more iconic figures in D&D history. You’ll find Manshoon, Elminster, and the inimitable Rashemi Ranger with a miniature giant space hamster–Minsc and Boo.
And not just in miniature form, but as a collector’s bust no less. You’ll also find a bunch of miniatures from the Tomb of Annihilation, including a Zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex that is worth collecting an entire set for. Finally though, I’d be a sorry low-down wúlài if I didn’t mention that the Firefly game is getting a passel of new miniatures in its Browncoats and Bandits expansion. Put together a crew, find a ship, do a job and get paid–if it all goes smooth.
That’s it for now. Until next time folks, Happy Adventuring!