Geekery: New ‘Big Trouble in Little China’ Movie is in the Works

The Dwayne Johnson produced project is moving forward, and the latest news should make fans pretty happy: it’s not going to be yet another remake of a 1980s classic.
It’s been nearly three years since it was announced that Dwayne Johnson and his production company, Seven Bucks Productions, are going to make a modern version of Carpenter’s cult classic. Johnson has been a bit occupied fighting giant alligators, and making impossible leaps into extremely tall buildings that happen to be on fire, so movement/news on it has been a bit slow. There was initially some worry that the plan was to remake the whole thing with Johnson in the role of Jack Burton. In a recent interview with Collider Hiram Garcia, president of production, clarified their intentions…
There’s a lot of things going on with [Big Trouble in Little China]. We are in the process of developing that, and let me tell you, the idea is not to actually remake Big Trouble in Little China. You can’t remake a classic like that, so what we’re planning to do is we’re going to continue the story. We’re going to continue the universe of Big Trouble in Little China. Everything that happened in the original exists and is standalone and I think there’s only one person that could ever play Jack Burton, so Dwayne would never try and play that character. So we are just having a lot of fun. We’re actually in a really great space with the story that we’ve cracked. But yeah, no remake. It is a continuation, and we are deep into development on that as well, and I think you’ll start hearing some things about that probably soon.
I’m not going to get into whether or not we really need this or not – I’ll leave that for the comments, along with one other question: are we staying in Chinatown or are we taking the Pork Chop Express somewhere new?