Geekery: Sir Patrick Stewart to Return to ‘Star Trek’

TNG and Enterprise Captain Jean-Luc Picard has been off the airwaves for more than 20 years. It has been announced that the beloved captain will be returning with his own show on CBS All Access in the near future.
It’s been talked about for a few months; now it’s been confirmed. The new series will not be a a reboot of TNG, instead it will focus on the next chapter of Picard’s life. Beyond that, not much is known. CBS is keeping the title, premiere date, and length of the series to themselves for now. The creative team will be headed up by Alex Kurtzman, who is currently working as showrunner on Discovery.
TNG is arguably the most watched of the Trek series – its seven seasons brought home nineteen Emmys, and a Peabody award. Part of it’s appeal was Stewart’s Picard, the character and the actor is still beloved by fans. He’s ready to re-join the franchise…
“During these past years, it has been humbling to hear many stories about how The Next Generation brought people comfort, saw them through difficult periods in their lives or how the example of Jean-Luc inspired so many to follow in his footsteps, pursuing science, exploration and leadership. I feel I’m ready to return to him for the same reason — to research and experience what comforting and reforming light he might shine on these often very dark times.”
You can watch the full announcement…