Gencon 2018: Malifaux & Starfinder Pics & Products

GENCON 2018 is rolling on, and BoLS is walking the floro to bring you the latest from Wyrd and Paizo’s upcoming minis and products.
Obviously Malifaux 3rd Edition is the big news, but on top of that Wyrd has a line of amazing modular terrain kits in plastic and The Other Side full sized tabletop wargame.
Wyrd Malifaux Third Edition – Changes Ahead
Wyrd – New Terrain Kits
These kits have removable roofs, and stackable floors. Very cool and modular.
See, I told you!
Wyrd – The Other Side
Paizo – Starfinder Armor
Moving onto Starfinder, we get the Starfinder Armory, the big book rolled out this year at GENCON. It’s got everything a party would need from guns, to armor, equipment, magic items, vehicles and even a section on new class options. Pretty much a must-buy for any Starfinder player.
More from the GENCON in the days ahead.