GENCON 2018: Warhammer 40,000 Munchkin is a Thing

Steve Jackson Games surprised the attendees of their annual Munchkin Tavern event with the new game that is due out next year. Here’s what we know…
The set will include 168 cards, a rulesheet, custom die, and a mounted level tracker. It is currently in production, and will sell for $29.95 next spring. It’s illustrated by principal Munchkin artist John Kovalic – who is a big 40k fan – and designed by Munchkin Line Editor Andrew Hackard with input from GW. World of Munchkin has provided a bit of information on what they’ve come up with…
Munchkin and Warhammer 40,000 – two great games that work great together! Become an Ultramarine, Necron, Aeldari, Ork, Death Guard, or Tyranid. Make a Pilgimage to Holy Terra, use your Lasblaster, and of course you need More Dakka! Be vigilant; you might encounter the Sloppity Bilepiper, a Horror of Tzeentch, or even Mortarion himself!
And a look at the box and art by Kovalic at the announcement…
Our super-secret #MunchkinTavern announcement is here: Munchkin Warhammer 40,000! Can’t wait for this one, coming Spring 2019! -HS
— Steve Jackson Games (@SJGames) August 2, 2018
Do you have any idea how ridiculously fun it is, drawing Warhammer 40K Munchkins?
Advertisement— John Kovalic (@muskrat_john) August 3, 2018
Games Workshop has worked with some new companies this year to extend the reach of the grimdark to as many people as possible with Wrath & Glory, 40k Monopoly, various apparel lines, Warhammer Adventures, and now Munchkin. I wonder if we’ll see more announcements like this before the years’ end – possibly this weekend at GenCon.