GW: Rumor Engine – Shiney & Chrome

Chaos Icon? War Boy Brand? Return of the Doom Rider? Or is this week’s Rumor Engine something else entirely? Check it out for yourself!
Games Workshop has a new Rumor Engine this week and it’s going to leave you with a burning curiosity. What the heck is it from?! Take a look and make some guesses:
“NOVA is almost upon us, and with it, a very exciting Studio Preview seminar – until then, here’s another image from the Rumour Engine…”
My first thought was that it’s looking like another model that may have taken some inspiration from Mad Max: Fury Road (and that’s not a bad thing). It reminded me of the brand that was used by the War Boys:
The Flames, the skull, the cross-bar. There are certainly some similarities in design. At the same time, it’s got the spikes on it as well so perhaps it was something for Chaos.
Huron Blackheart has a similar ‘halo’ with spikes, as does the Dark Apostle:
Plus, we all know that Khorne has a thing for Skulls. That definitely fits within the Chaos aesthetic.
However, I also started to wonder why the flame? Was it set on fire by holy promethium? What if this was some type of lantern or relic? And you know who’s got friends on the way (hopefully) next year:
I’m counting seven spikes on her halo and she’s cool with skulls, too…
What I’m really curious about are the 4 indentions on the forehead of the skull. If there were just 3, then I’d be saying it was Nurgle and call it a day. But the fact that it’s 4 and on fire really has me intrigued. Could this be Beastmen related? It’s a possibility…
So internet, what do you think? Let us know your crazy theory by opening up the Load Comments tab below and dropping us a line!