GW: Warhammer Citadel Grand Opening Today

Calling all hobbyists – The Warhammer Citadel is open in Grapevine, Texas!
It’s been a long time in the making but the day has finally arrived. The Warhammer Citadel is now open in Grapevine, Texas. If you’re in or around the Dallas/Ft. Worth area then you need to pop over and check out the new store. Today is the Grand Opening and they have a few special guests on the scene.
The BoLS crew actually got to pop over yesterday and check out the space. It’s pretty impressive and we’ll have more on it later – but for now you really should check it out yourself.
Today, they are hosting some large Narrative games for AoS, 40k and even The Horus Heresy. And if you prefer some smaller scale action, there is also organized play for Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire!
If you want to get your hobby-on there are some cool events, too. Speed-build and speed-painting activities will be happening along with painting workshops and even a Hobby showcase competition! And if that’s not enough, Andy Smillie will be on hand and he just might have some other surprises in store.
Sarah Kaiser will also be in attendance and she’ll be drawing attendees as their favorite Warhammer Characters in doodle form! It’s a chance to get some one-of-a-kind artwork done by a real-life Tech-Adept*.
Downtown Grapevine is a pretty neat location for the whole family as well. There is lots of food, shopping and free-parking in the area so it’s worth planing a day trip for sure. Even if you can’t make it for the Grand Opening you should certainly plan a trip there if you’re in North America. Pop-in, grab a coffee, play some games, and maybe even check out their Forge World and Black Library selection.
For more info, pop over to the Warhammer Community site and check out the events for yourself!
We’re already planning to head back-up there in the very near future. Hope to see y’all there!
*Title based off of Warhammer Community description. May or may not be hyperbole.