House Cawdor: Their Faith and Numbers are Limitless

House Cawdor is coming this weekend to Necromunda and there are going to be a LOT of them.
Walking straight off the set of a Mad Max movie, House Cawdor is the latest gang to hit the mean underhives of Necromunda, leaving only House Delaque to go.
The simple fighters of House Cawdor go to battle in little more than rags, armed with simple weapons, but they make up for their lack of technology with boundless faith and a LOT of bodies.nnHere are some details we’ve put together on the gangs with help from GW. House Cawdor arrives this Saturday.
These get access to Brawn and Combat skills, and are well suited to close combat. There are a variety of crude melee weapons and polearms you can equip Cawdor leaders with and they can also access Cult Icons, which allows group activations of one additional fighter. Nice
With the general lack of quality troops available to House Cawdor, you want to max out what you can get. Take as many Champions and load them up with the House’s specialist weapons. Things like the the Heavy Improvised Crossbow that throw out the giant 5″ template as well as a variety of flamers are sure to turn up the heat on your opponents. These guys also have access to Brawn and Combat skills, so make sure they all have some melee weapon when things get up close and personal.
Those improvised polearm-guns look fantastic!
Your bread and butter. The biggest challenge for a House Cawdor player will be the balance between kitting out the bulk of your gang with fancy equipment, or keeping it simple and trying to overpower your foe with sheer numbers. Then you also need to balance the Ganger/Juve ratios to your liking. But overall, if you are trying to play a quality game, other Houses like Van Saar may be a better path for you.
Dirt cheap at 30pts. They wont last long, but they will always have friends waiting to spread the word of the Emperor and some fire around.
~For the Emperor!