Pimpcron: The 6 Citadel Paints Everybody Needs

See? Pimpcron can do hobby articles too. This is called diversifying.
Man, I love paint.
I guess that’s how you start an article about paint? This is new territory for me. I’m usually the super silly robot in the corner. Not really used to this serious hobby business. And trust me, this is going to be dead serious, meant only for people who don’t want to laugh and presumably hate their life but love paint such as I. Let’s get to it.
I have been painting for a long time, and I have discovered some go-to paints that everyone needs. These couple paints should be the basis for any new hobbyist because they are such awesome and useful colors.
Retributor Armour
This gold is THE gold. It has only been out for a couple years, but it’s got me by the heart. I love this gold more than I love Pumpkin Pie. Which, in retrospect isn’t saying much because I don’t really like Pumpkin Pie. But I do love this color. I would say I love it more than Lemon Meringue Pie but that is outrageous because nothing tops Lemon Meringue Pie. I would take a bullet to save that pie. I realize I’m not being clear here. On a scale of Pumpkin to Lemon Meringue, I’d say this is a Cheesecake. (sigh) Glad I cleared that up. Seriously, if you own only one gold, it needs to be this one. Not too bright, not too dark, and it washes really nicely with Flesh Shade, or Sepia.
Khorne Red
In my humble opinion, this is the dog of reds. It’s reliable and is always there for you. Need to paint the inside of a monster’s mouth? Do you need a base coat to lighten later with a brighter red? Or do you need to wash it with purple and make it a dark red? This is the kind of red that would just wait quietly near your bed to be taken out, respectful of your sleep. This isn’t one of those loud, obnoxious reds that would just yell at you to go for a walk. What is it I’m talking about again?
Cadian Fleshtone
This color is great for people who like paint Caucasians. Though I recommend against painting them against their will, chasing them through the street holding paint pot and brush in hand. I can’t speak for all towns, but I’d say most of them have some sort of anti-painting their citizens law. Psssh. And they say this is the land of the free. As a side note, it is also my go-to paint for painting miniature Caucasians (not children). I mean Caucasians that are models (not swim suit models). Let me be clear, don’t paint people unless they are made of plastic (not swim suit models). Ya know what? I give up, paint who you want but it’s on you.
You like shiny things? A big fan of spoons and car rims? Do you drool over chrome? Well this isn’t the color of paint for you. But this is the best base color for going darker or lighter with your silvers. THE best rough and dirty treatment of metallic items is a coat of this and a wash of Nuln Oil. Boom. Finished. You could always lighten it with a lighter silver, but those lighter silvers tend to be thin and have low pigment density so LeadBelcher is far superior.
Mournfang Brown
I don’t know what this Fang has to Mourn about. If you want to paint darker skin tones this is a good start, it is also a great standard color for leather straps, wooden items, leather boots, and weathering on vehicles. If you happen to paint delicious brownies, it is a good color for the flaky top part. Mmmm brownies. I suppose it might be good for painting a Mournfang, as the label suggests, but I’ve never painted one. A couple uses that are often over looked are brown orks, brown necrons, brown snow, and brown blood. You could also spice up a diorama with some brown water. You know what? I’m not good at ideas for brown, but buy this one because it is the bee’s knees.
Rakarth Flesh
This is also one of the most useful colors I own. It’s good for pale skin, paper, candle sticks, milk, teeth, stone, bone, and purity seal litany paper. This is that dependable paint that will end up somewhere on nearly any of your models and is a nice plain color that is just like me. Not too flashy, tries to stay humble, but deep down it knows it’s the best. Nearly all other Citadel paints want to get with this sexy paint, and if I’m being honest, it is the funniest paint in the range. Bring it to parties and watch hilarity ensue as it is the life of the party.
Do you have a go-to paint not listed?
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