Tabletop Crowdfunding Round-Up: August 14th

Zombie hordes, raging drunks, and cutthroat merchants. Come check out this week’s batch of Kickstarter highlights!
Gangfight Skirmish Game System by Gangfight Games
First up this week is a new universal skirmish game ruleset by the creators of Blackwater Gulch. The Gangfight system consists of a set of core rules and setting supplements that allow you to create heroes, units, skills, and gear in everything from sci-fi to fantasy worlds. The game focuses on quick engagements between small groups of heroes in persistent campaigns where players get to upgrade their band of warriors using their spoils of war. Stretch goals hope to introduce additional setting supplements, like steampunk, or the zombie apocalypse. You can buy your copy of this hardcover book for $25.
Run Fight or Die: Reloaded by Grey Fox Games
Speaking of apocalypses, the aptly-named Run Fight or Die: Reloaded is a complete reboot of the competitive zombie survival dice game by Richard Launius. Players form rival bands of survivors scavenging for weapons and resources in a city overrun by zombies. The main objective is to recruit the most skilled followers you can find before escaping to safety. The Reloaded edition features refined gameplay, upgraded components, and new art and mechanics. The core version of the game is $49 and supports four players, but the $59 pledge includes an expansion that ups the player count to six.
Moonshiners of the Apocalypse by 2Fat2Fly Games
Our final post-apocalypse board game entry is a competitive 4X town-builder that takes a rather unconventional approach to the end of civilization. In Moonshiners of the Apocalypse, players take control of local heroes in the rural hamlet of Shanty Town. During the day, players get a chance to gather resources and upgrade their buildings. At night, the most deadly creature of any apocalyptic scenario imaginable roam in search of their next victim: mobs of angry, drunk rednecks. Defeat your foes by out-drinking them using the potent moonshine concoctions you make during the day. After seven rounds, a hot air balloon will visit Shanty Town to rescue the most famous folk hero. The Kickstarter exclusive Deluxe Edition will cost you $69.
Dungeon Alliance by Quixotic Games
Dungeon Alliance has returned to Kickstarter to fund a second print run and a new round of expansions. In this dungeon crawling/deck builder hybrid, each player recruits a band of four heroes and creates a deck out of their roster of skill and ability cards. Then, everyone raids a modular dungeon in search of fame and fortune. Acquire new cards and draft gear as you defeat monsters. When two bands of adventurers meet, their controllers can decide to work together, or fight to the death over each other’s precious loot. Pledges start at $25 for previous owners of Dungeon Alliance looking to get just the new stuff, while newcomers can expect to pay at least $80 to get their hands on the base game and some Kickstarter exclusive bonuses.
Bargain Quest by Bargain Quest Games
Finally we come to Bargain Quest, another fairly popular board game looking to raise money for a second print run and new expansions. In Bargain Quest, players manage competing item shops in a town under siege by monsters. Luckily, the town is full of heroes eager to earn their keep, and these heroes are all in need of some quality weapons, armor, and potions. Attract heroes to your shop to sell them the items they need to defeat waves of monsters. Gain fame whenever heroes use items bought at your shop to slay enemies, and use your fame and increased business to upgrade your shop with better stock and specialist employees that offer unique services to your clients. The base game of Bargain Quest costs $40, while all the new expansions and bonus packs will set you back $30.
~Which Of These Campaigns Caught Your Attention?