Tabletop Crowdfunding Round-Up August 23rd

Rowdy halflings, intergalactic evil, and daring adventurers. Come check out this week’s batch of Kickstarter highlights!
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid by Renegade Games
Heroes of the Grid is a cooperative adventure board game based on the Power Rangers comic adaptation from Boom! Studios, and even features artwork from Dan Mora, the comic’s illustrator. In Heroes of the Grid, up to five players control the Power Rangers on their mission to defend Angel Grove from Rita Repulsa and her minions. Expansions add even more famous characters and villains from the series, including Lord Zedd, the Green and White Rangers, and an expansion based on the recent Shattered Grid storyline. Pledges start at $75 for the core game.
The Ram Raiders by Warploque Miniatures
The creators of the whimsical ArcWorlde miniatures game are expanding their line of fantasy football teams with the Ram Raiders. This team of 28mm miniatures is cast in metal and includes 14 Halflings and 2 Treemen. Other models in the campaign include star players and support staff, like the team chef and mascots. You can buy the whole team for £45/$58.
Hordes of the Auld World by Red Box Games
Red Box Games has returned to Kickstarter with a range of plastic, modular 28mm greenskins. The standard pledge includes four orc warriors with single-handed weapons and shields, four orcs with great weapons, four goblin spearmen, four goblin archers, and four goblin warriors with sword and board. Alternatively, you can grab a box with all orcs or all goblins. Whichever one you pick, each box will set you back $40.
The Caravan by JoeK and Twilight
JoeK Minis and The World of Twilight have teamed up to create a huge resin miniature dubbed The Caravan. This model consists of a trio of dwarf merchants riding an overburdened pig on their way to the town market. The model would make a great objective in your favorite fantasy game, or even just a fun collector’s piece to paint for a display case. Purchase yours for £30/$38.
The Village of the Witches by Midlam Miniatures
Midlam is back with a new collection of 28mm fantasy miniatures. This time around, the theme is witches and how they can hide in plain sight. There’s 16 miniatures in all, each one representing a seemingly mundane villager and their witch alter-ego. You can get the entire batch for £42/$54.
Dungeons of Doom V by Star Hat Miniatures
Finally, we come to the latest Dungeons of Doom set from Star Hat Miniatures. As with most of their campaigns, this newest set includes a wide range of heroes, villains, and monsters inspired by old-school fantasy sculpts. The real star of the campaign has to be the trio of resin giants sculpted by Flytrap Factory, which are exclusive to this Kickstarter. The campaign is split into three, five-miniature bundles for $46 each, while the giants are about $51 each.
~Which Of These Campaigns Caught Your Attention?