Titanicus: Sprue-cing Up The Warhound And Reaver Titan – Sprue Pics Spotted

The Warhound Titan and the Reaver Titan are coming soon to Adeptus Titanicus. Take a look at the new pictures of their sprues, so you can see the component parts of these two soon-to-be titans.
Courtesy of Battle Bunnies, who snapped these at this weekend’s Warhammer Fest EUROPE, we’ve got a look at the sprues for both the Warhound and the Reaver Titans. They look pretty fantastic–with all the detail that we’ve come to expect from Adeptus Titanicus. There are SO MANY weapon potions, and they all look amazing. Plus, titanic stomping feet, take a look:
via Battle Bunnies
The Reaver and the Warhound Titan are just about ready to roll into battle on the side of the Collegia Titanica. So get ready princeps, your latest weapons platforms await.
What do you think of these new sprues?