Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: A Legendary Campaign Gets A 4th Edition Update

The Enemy Within is an iconic campaign steeped in Old World lore, and soon, it’ll be getting a fresh new update for WFRP’s new edition.
The new Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game is a love letter to 1st and 2nd Editions. It brings back the world, narrative, and themes that made WFRP such a delight to its original audience. only now, Cubicle 7 have updated it, streamlining it with modern design while keeping that old school flavor.
WFRP 4th Edition wears its inspiration on its sleeve, which is great, because nowhere is that more apparent than in the latest announcement: The Enemy Within, perhaps the most iconic WFRP Campaign, taking players into the very heart of the threat of Chaos, is coming back for the new edition. And what’s more, it’s going to finally be done the way the original authors wanted it to be. Here’s Graeme Davis to tell you all about it, from a talk Gen Con this last weekend.
He’s got a lot to say about the system as well, the whole talk is very informative. Get ready for a return of classic figures as Cubicle 7 takes you back into the world that was. Karl Franz, priests of Sigmar, the whole works.
I had a chance to meet with Graeme Davis at Gen Con–he was genuinely excited to be revisiting this beloved series once more, giving it the treatment that he and the rest of the team always wanted to. Now with setting, narrative, and mechanics all playing well together, there’s no stopping them.
We’re pretty excited to see what they can do with this module, and even more excited to take WFRP 4th Edition for a test drive. So stay tuned folks, we’ll have more news as it develops.
Now to find out if a bunch of tax collectors, rat catchers, and scriveners can save the Empire from its most fearsome foe.