Warmachine: Crucible Guard Brings Dragon’s Breath to the Fight

The mad scientists from the Crucible Guard have been released and are looking to stir up some trouble across the Iron Kingdoms. Today we take a look at an artillery piece that these alchemists are bringing to a table near you.
The Dragon’s Breath Rocket is a key support piece that is available in both of the Crucible Guard theme forces. Like many of the models in the faction this 3 man unit is immune to fire, corrosion and can ignore gas effects thanks to the Breather ability.
How does something called Dragon’s Breath not shoot fire?
Battlefield Role
On the table this artillery has one main purpose, lowering the ARM of enemy living and undead models. Your opponents aren’t going find the Withering Humor ability very funny, especially when they realize this affects everything in a 4 inch AOE! It’s also capable of putting out some good damage, being an effective POW 16 on direct hit and POW 9 blast damage with the lower armor from Withering Humor. Keep in mind that this won’t lower the ARM of warjacks or constructs, you’ll have to rely on other faction abilities to do that.
At RAT 5 this Rocket isn’t very accurate, but honestly this probably won’t matter in a lot of matchups. High ARM targets typically don’t have great DEF and even if you do miss the AOE still might hit your target. Your opponent will need to keep any high defense solos or warcasters away from low defense models to avoid getting caught in this AOE.
Shifting stones are ideal targets to clip nearby models in the AOE
Tough Denial
An additional key aspect of Withering Humor is that all models hit lose Tough for one round. Tough troopers are popping up all over the place in the meta currently; Cygnar Trenchers, Legion Ogrun, Tharn and Trollkin Champions are just some of the popular units with tough you are likely to be seeing.
If your opponent is relying on Tough for an attrition advantage, being able to deny that could be a key step in winning the match. This is especially true if the tough models can’t be knocked down, which would have allowed them to make multiple tough checks in a row.
Wrap Up
This artillery piece is just one of the many guns in Crucible Guard that make even Cygnar jealous. The Dragon’s Breath Rocket is available in both themes and is likely to be seen often, especially in Magnum Opus where it’s a potential free option.
What do you think of the Dragon’s Breath Rocket? Will it see play in both Crucible Guard theme lists?
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