40K: Tyraids Dominate Upcoming 40K Games

Today we’ve got a look at the Tyranids in two different games! Come see the Tyranid Devourers of Battlefleet Gothic Armada II, and the Genestealers of Space Hulk Tactics.
The Great Devourer stretches across our galaxy like a shadow in the warp, one which heralds the end of life in the galaxy as we know it. All shall fall before the all-consuming swarm of the Hive Mind. of course, but for today we’re taking a look at the Tyranid Devourer ships and the Genestealers who lurk aboard derelict ships. So lots of ship-based ‘nids. Let’s start with the Tyranid Devourers.
The Tyranid Devourers will crush enemies in their massive jaws, and slip into stealth mode. Very curious to see how that works out.
I’m hoping that Campaign mode ends up with you devouring whole worlds at a time and leaving them bereft husks where life once dwelt. That’s the dream of playing Tyranids, after all.
But let’s shift gears from the devoured husks of worlds hit by the Tyranids, and instead turn to the empty hulls and corridors of spacefaring vessels where Genestealers infest the ventilation shafts and Jeffries’ Tube-like passages of whatever derelict Space Hulk our Astartes friends who are fun to be around have decided to go through.
We’ve seen how the Genestealers work before in Space Hulk. They get their own blips to move around instead of actual units. You can have your units pop up at spawn points, and basically, you have to try and leverage the weight of numbers to crush your foes. But if you’re lucky and can manage to spawn a Brood Lord, you’re able to spawn Genestealers (or false blips, and let’s not think too much about that), near your Brood Lord for some serious tactical trickery.
So beware the Great Devourer that comes for us all–infesting everything they come across–EVEN YOUR COMPUTER.