Also Coming Next Week From GW – Beasts Of Chaos

The Beastmen, which comprise Brayherds, Tzangors, Ogors, and a score of other chaos-tainted marauding creatures, are coming next week from GW. Here’s a preview of what you can expect.
That’s right everyone’s favorite blend of beasts and barbarians is coming next week–you’ll be able to pre-order the battletome, new endless spells, the Herdstone, even find some warscroll cards and dice. Of course if you’re eager to get the jump on the true children of Chaos, then you can grab one of the start collecting sets as well. Let’s take a look!
via Warhammer Community
Battletome: Beasts of Chaos transforms a handful of factions – Brayherds, Warherds, Thunderscorn and the Monsters of Chaos – into a single, brutally effective fighting force.
Inside the book you’ll find new lore exploring the twisted wilds of the Mortal Realms, from the rumoured origins of the Beasts of Chaos to their insidious plans to despoil reality and return to the Age of Chaos, with a closer look at everything from how these monsters go to war to their unusual relationship with Chaos itself.
You’ll be able to customise your army more than ever before thanks to a huge host of new rules – from unique Command Traits for the Brayherds, Warherds and Thunderscorn, to magical spells and extra abilities for dedicating your army to one of the Greatfrays. Summoning rules, meanwhile, allow you to sacrifice your troops and call anything from skirmishing Ungor to rampaging Chimeras from the warping wilds.
This is the battletome you’ve been waiting for, packed with changes great and small – from the addition of the various types of Tzaangor to the Brayherds, to a host of warscroll changes designed to make your army more fun and powerful to play.
Of course along side the tome you’ll be able to grab the new Herdstone kit, which is an iconic piece of terrain that gives all kinds of buffs–if you want to summon new units, or debuff the armor of your enemy, this is the way to go. It has an “ever-expanding, amour-melting wave of entropy” associated with it–and it doesn’t cost you a single point in matched play.
You’ll also be able to grab the new range of accessories, including Warscroll Cards and Dice, and of course the new Endless Spells. There are three, the Wildfire Taurus, the Ravening Direflocks, and then the massive horn.
All this comes next week. And there will be some returning classics as well. The Gor, Bullgor, and Warhounds have all been rebundled and will be hitting Shelves once more, so check out these new bundles also coming next week.
The Mortal Realms won’t know what hit them.