Black Library: Explore Grim And Dark Realms On Your Morning Commute – New Audio Adventures

Add a little more (audio) drama to your morning commute with the latest offerings from the Black Library. Bite-sized adventures in spaaace–or the Mortal Realms, depending.
Friends, your morning commute is too important to spend wondering if you’ll make it in time for the latest stand up session outside of the break room. You already left your house fifteen minutes early, and probably remembered to turn the stove off–you did hear all those sirens though. It’s probably nothing. Best not to think about it.
Instead, think about the latest audio adventures from the Black Library. They’ve just released a bunch of new bite-sized dramas that they’re calling “commuter-size” which means you can listen to them in the span of a day and not have to worry about what happened later. Of course, if you crave an epic audiodrama, you’ll find plenty of those on the docket as well. So check out the latest audio aufferings from the Black Library.
via The Black Library
You might have noticed that last month we premiered new bite-sized audio dramas in the form of C L Werner’s Guns of the Black Eagle and the three parts of Guy Haley’s Prophets of Waaagh! (The End of Daze, Bozgat’s Big Adventure and The Waaagh! Faker). These were just the first of a new wave of audio dramas that are designed to provide you with a satisfyingly full story in a metaphorical mouthful – just enough to get you through a daily commute without having to pause and go back to it later.
There are four new ones coming later this month. You’ll find stories that take you into the far reaches of the 41st Millennium waiting your earballs, so strap in and check them out.
After Commissar Arehn executes a fleeing Guardsman, he starts to see visions of the dead man. Is the phantom trying to send him a message, or leading him to his doom?
In a follow-up to the novel Vaults of Terra, the self-styled freedom fighter Lermentov faces off with Inquisitor Crowl as he tries to convince his captor that he is of more use alive than dead…
A Vindicare Assassin, thwarted in her attempt to line up a kill shot, takes her mission to close quarters as she hunts a heretic in a mansion full of potential foes. But nothing is as it seems.
Knight-Questor Akastus must return an aelf corsair, Salekh, to Hammerhal Ghyra to face justice. But the servants of Sigmar aren’t the only ones looking to punish Salekh for his myriad crimes.
Now if you, like me, are a weirdo who wants to listen to a sprawling epic tale like a radio play out of the past but with more lasers, explosions, and British accents, the Black Library has got you covered as well with serialised dramas like the Elysian and Agent of the Throne series, or the upcoming Realmslayer boxed set featuring Brian Blessed and his loud, booming voice.
So whether you’re audiophilic or audiophobic, GW has got something for you.
What are you listening to at the moment?