Munchkin Warhammer 40,000: Previewing John Kovalic’s Art

John Kovalic’s iconic art style is coming to the Grimdark with Munchkin 40k. Come take a look at his take on some of the foes you’ll face in the game!
Munchkin and Warhammer 40,000 are joining forces to make the Grimdark Universe a bit more back-stabby and friendship shattering. Today we’re getting a preview of some of the artwork from the legendary John Kovalic.
In addition to his amazing Munchkin work, John Kovalic has a plethora of quality projects, like Dork Tower (his long-running webcomic for nerds, about nerds). He runs a Patreon to help support, and get fan feedback on, these projects. In addition, he’s been known to give fans sneak peeks at content, like some new cards he did for Munchkin Warhammer 40,000, coming in 2019!
I’m really digging his take on the Grimdark as it encompasses both the wacky and the “over-the-topness” of the setting. We’ve also seen more previews from the art:
Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 is sure to be a gateway game for a lot of folks into the 40k Universe. I’m looking forward to adding this to my gaming collection because Munchkin is pretty accessible to many “non-gamers” and should start a lot of conversations about Warhammer. I’m sure that my non-gamer friends are going to ask “why is the Dark Angel +3 against Ultramarines, I thought they were both on the same side?” And then I can tell them about how it’s because they are traitors.
(Yes, this is a photoshop’d image, but c’mon…we all know it’s true.)
I wonder if there is a “Duncan Paint Job” bonus card. ‘Always Thin Your Paints!’