Star Wars Legion: Clone Wars Minor Factions I’d Like To See

With Legion going to the Clone Wars there is vast potential for some amazing minor faction to get some love.
At GenCon this year FFG announced that Legion would be getting some Clone Wars expansions. I couldn’t be more excited about this news. In many ways the Clone Wars fits larger scale ground combat a lot better than the Rebellion Era. There are also a ton of really cool units and options to pull from for the period. I’ve already talked about the CIS and Republic units I most want to see, but aside from these two faction the Clone Wars Era has a whole host of minor factions at play. Lets talk about which ones I’d like to see on the table top.
Many Factions
The Clone Wars Era may revolve around the war between the Separatists and the Republic, but in the cracks and crannies of the galaxy there are many other factions that played a role in the action. Before it’s fall the Republic seems to have control less of known space than the Empire did, this allowed for the growth of many minor factions. I think there is a lot of room for these to come to the table top, either as sub-factions with in other factions,or as whole factions of their own.
OK, I know this is kind of an odd one, but the Gungans actually have a pretty well developed military. They’ve got multiple types of infantry, slingers , sheildbarers, etc. They’ve got fast cavalry units, and support units in the form of the mobile Shields and Catapults. They’ve got a number of known, err, “heroes” to draw from, such as Jar Jar, Boss Nass, General Tarpals and others. All this is enough to form their own mini-faction. While they could simply be rolled into the Republic at large, they could also be on their own. At the time of the Battle of Naboo it doesn’t seem as if the Gungans are part of the Republic, they don’t have representation yet and seem unknown to the Republic at large. Either way could work. (And lets be honest I want this just to see the rage on the other players face when my beautifully rendered Jar Jar destroys their army.)
The Nightsisters are a group of Dark Side force users from the world of Dathomir. As the name implies they are a matriarchal society that can tap into some very strange powers. Though much of their history is now legends they do play a pretty big role in the Clone Wars cartoon and have a lot of established canon. Thought they are Dark Side, users they are not allied with the CIS or the Sith, and ultimately go to war with the Sith Forces. This positions them to be a perfect minor faction as they will fight anybody. Their roster is a little limited, and almost all infantry, but they got a few distinct types of units and a number of named heroes, including fan favorite Asajj Ventress. The Nightsisters can also call upon the Nightbrothers, male force users, and this includes both Darth Maul and Savage Opress, which could further beef out their numbers.
Hondo’s Gang
Hands down the best character in the Clone Wars is the pirate leader Hondo Ohnaka. During the course of the show he, hilariously, leads his gang of criminals and pirates praying (or failing to) on both the Republic and the CIS. The gang has a solid infantry base, with accesses to some tanks and aircraft. They tend to operate on their own, and while fairly minor players they do take part in some momentous events.
The Hutts/Scum and Villainy
The Hutts controlled large region of independent space, as well as a number of crime organizations. During the Clone Wars they were powerful enough that both the CIS and the Republic tired to woo them, and their choices could effect the war as a whole. Even before the Clone Wars the Hutts were more powerful then they would be under the Empire. (For instance before the Clone Wars Tatooine was not part of the Republic, but Hutt controlled, later it would be part of the Empire. Either on their own as the Hutts, or as part of a general Scum and Villainy faction, they could draw on a huge number of units, and be a major player. In fact this faction would move from minor faction to rivaling the CIS And Republic.
Let Us Know What Minor Factions You’d Like To See, Down In The Comments!