Starfinder: Take The Fight Against The Aeon Throne To Uncharted Space

Venture into unexplored territory, where allies and enemies could lurk behind any encounter. Will your characters find friends or foes as they try to breach the Prison Moon of the Azlanti Star Empire?
Starfinder’s 3-episode Adventure Path: Against The Aeon Throne continues apace this week with the release of Escape from the Prison Moon, the second installment in the trilogy. This adventure sees players venture into the relatively unknown reaches of the Azlanti Star Empire in pursuit of a purloined prisoner, taken captive by Azlanti expansionists.
This one is pretty challenging because it drops players into an unexplored region, where they are relatively cut off from resources they might have back in their home system. They’ll have to explore–but exploring is dangerous. You might make a new friend, or you might run afoul of a wandering Azlanti patrol. Either way you’ll want to try and Escape from the Prison Moon.
via Paizo
Escape From The Prison Moon – $22.99
Jailhouse Rock
Deputized by the interstellar police force known as the Stewards after freeing a colony from Azlanti occupation, the heroes journey to the Azlanti Star Empire to rescue their friend who is being held captive on a well-guarded prison moon. After visiting an outlaw space station nearby, the heroes stage a daring breakout under the nose of the penal colony’s warden. But the experimental starship drive is still out there, and the heroes must track it down to prevent the Azlanti from making it operational!
This volume of Starfinder Adventure Path continues the Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path and includes:
- “Escape from the Prison Moon,” a Starfinder adventure for 3rd-level characters, by Eleanor Ferron.
- A detailed look at the culture, history, and territories of the expansionist Azlanti Star Empire, as well as a trove of Azlanti gear both magical and technological, by Robert G. McCreary, with Jason Keeley and Lyz Liddell.
- An examination of many of the species conquered by the Azlanti Star Empire, by Saif Ansari.
- An archive of new creatures, from radioactive dragons to plants that produce areas of zero gravity, by Eleanor Ferron, Joe Pasini, David N. Ross, and Owen K.C. Stephens.
- Statistics and deck plans for an Azlanti prison-guard vessel, plus a glimpse of a space station on the fringes of Azlanti Star Empire space, by Eleanor Ferron.
“A lot of great science fiction focuses on exploring the unknown, and I enjoyed writing an adventure where the PCs were forced to explore a dangerous universe that they knew very little about. I loved playing up the tension of what it felt like to be strangers in a strange land, where anyone could be a friend or a foe, and where the very buildings and machines that the PCs relied on weren’t necessarily built with the PCs in mind. I also like encounters that allow for multiple approaches, so I liked the open-ended infiltration aspect of this adventure—the PCs can choose how they want to interact with the people and challenges they encounter on their journey, but their choices may have wildly different consequences.” – Eleanor Ferron
Happy Adventuring!