Tabletop Spotlight: Star Wars X-Wing 2nd Edition Core Set

After months of anticipation, X-Wing 2.0 is finally here! Adam from BoLS and Chris from Dragon’s Lair team up to show us what you can expect in the Core Set.
Star Wars X-Wing has been a powerhouse in the tabletop world for a long time now. After so many years and so many expansions, Fantasy Flight Games has released a second edition. The main aim is to fix a lot of the core rules and streamline more of the clunky parts of the game with a whole bunch of great quality of life changes.
Long time X-Wing fans needn’t worry. There are conversion kits available which will make sure all of your 1st edition ships will be fully usable in the 2nd edition.
While there are far too many changes to go into detail over every one, we can cover some of the larger changes that you can expect in X-Wing 2nd Edition.
As previously mentioned, X-Wing 2.0 comes with a lot of gameplay changes. There are minor changes, like redesigning cards to be easier to spot important information. There are also some more significant changes, like a new firing option for some ships when the target is directly ahead. However, one of my personal favorite changes is the decision to change the green maneuvers to blue. This was done to make it easier for red/green colorblind folks to identify the difficulty of the maneuver. FFG certainly didn’t have to do that, but they chose to and I give them major props for that.
The second major change in my mind is the addition of Force Powers. Any Force-sensitive pilot will gain a number of Force tokens which they will be able to use to aid them in the heat of battle; affecting how well they fly or improving their aim. Or with the right ship upgrades, Force-sensitive pilots will be able to pull off some very impressive tricks. Force tokens are a limited resource, though can sometimes be regained during the game. Still, using them at the right moment is crucial to using them effectively. Similarly, some upgrades have Charge, which are also a limited resource.
As stated, there are plenty of other changes to discover within Star Wars: X-Wing 2nd Edition, and running into them on your own, I think, will be half the fun. FFG has also stated they are going to focus on giving each faction more defined tactics and strategies, giving them a more unique playing experience.
Overall, I think I speak for many of us when I say I’m very excited to see what this upgrade will bring to the table.
via Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars: X-Wing 2nd Edition – $39.95 – Available Now
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