Warhammer Kill Team: New ‘Commanders’ Expansion In Bound
Warhammer World is hosting the first ever Kill Team Weekender – they’ve got some big reveals ahead for Warhammer: Kill Team. More boxed sets, more Killzones, and a new expansion coming to the game!
Keen-eyed hobbyists who picked up Kill Team: Rogue Trader probably noticed that the two factions weren’t just new to the game, they also had the new Commander Unit specialist type to go along with them. Now every faction will soon have access to this powerful new specialist when the new Kill Team: Commanders expansion comes out.
Commanders introduces the most customisable character system ever! Expanding upon the rules that were first introduced inĀ Kill Team: Rogue Trader, this new expansion includes more than 40 Commanders, which you can customise with traits, augment with new area of effect Tactics, and 10 different specialisms.
On top of the new expansion, there will also be new “Commander Sets” that will include a character with their own backstory and Kill Team to back them up. They will also have “exclusive skills and abilities” as well.
And speaking of sets, there will also be new Starter Sets for the T’au and the Necrons coming to shelves soon:
And if you’re looking at those starters and thinking “oh wow, Wall of Martyrs terrain – that’s neat!” then you’re really going to love the new Killzone that was also announced:
Killzone: Wall of Martyrs Environment Expansion
There are also lots of other activites happening at the Kill Team Weekender. We’ll be keeping tabs on it this weekend to see if there are any other big reveals in store from Games Workshop!
What do you think of the new Commander Expansion? I’m really looking forward to getting my claws hands on that Genestealer Patriarch and his crew…