Warhammer Underworlds: Warbands of the Nightvault

With two new Warbands joining the fight, we thought it was time we took a closer look at WHY these two Warbands are being unleashed on the Mirrored City.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault advances the timeline of the setting and picks-up right where the story left off. Explorers, raiders, pirates, thieves, and hunters had all made their way to Shadespire and found themselves trapped in an endless cycle of fighting. Cut off from their main factions, some of these roaming Warbands searched the city for answers or a means to escape – others were just looking for a good fight.
Fast forward to a “Post-Necroquake” setting. The tides of Magic have been rewritten by Nagash’s master plan and are now running wild. Sigmar has opened the Sacrosanct Chamber and allowed his most magically-attuned followers to do more “field work” in hopes of finding a way to refine the reforging process…among other things.
The Nighthaunt have arisen and caused massive amounts of death and destruction all over the realms as these packs of cruel ghosts haunt the living. Focused under the direction of the Mortarch of Grief, they have become a deadly wave of shock-troopers. Nagash now has a new weapon in his arsenal and he plans to use them…
This brings us back to the Nightvault. The Stormcasts have given chase to some Chaos Warbands and trapped them in the city – however, when they went to persue them, they also became locked in the curse. Reports of this curse have made their way back up the chain of command and the Sacrosanct Chamber believes they may be able to break the spell and free their brothers trapped in the Cursed City. Enter the Stormsire’s Cursebreakers:
Stormsire’s Cursebreakers
Averon Stormsire was not only chosen to go by Sigmar himself, he also volunteered to enter the Mirrored City, knowing full well that he would be bound to walk it’s streets until he and his friends found a way to break the curse from inside. But this curse may also hold the key to reworking the reforging process so that the Stormcasts can be remade whole.
This intrusion has not gone unnoticed by Nagash. As more of these warbands enter the city and with magical enchantments taking on a life of their own, Nagash has cast his gaze upon the Cursed City once again. He has sought out a new pack of hunters, cruel and malevolent, to stalk the streets of the city and stop these invaders dead in their tracks.
Thorns of the Briar Queen
Imbued by Nagash’s will, fueled by their hatred of the living, the Thorns of the Briar Queen are now free to stalk the cursed warbands that wander the Mirrored City…
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault is just one part of the growing story of the Mortal Realms. There is so much more at stake than what’s covered in the lore in the new Rulebook. Get your hands on a copy of the game next week in retail stores everywhere!
Seriously, you do NOT want to be on Nagash’s bad side…or even his good side most of the time.