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40K: Adeptus Titanicus – Meet The Warhound Titan

3 Minute Read
Oct 2 2018
Warhammer 40K

The Warhound Titans of Adeptus Titanicus are fast, aggressive titans who hunt in packs to bring down larger foes. Come take a look at the Warhound Titan.

Adpetus Titanicus is a game of giant robots unleashing terrifying firepower on one another. And the Warhound Titans are the smallest of the giant robots. Too big to be Knights, but much less imposing or well-defended as the Warlord Titan, the Warhound is a tool that relies on maneuverability and speed to get its job done.

Classified as “Scout Titans” which–consider that for a moment. These are massive war engines that are independently capable of clashing with entire armies–and these are used for “scouting” and “reconnaissance” which, I suppose if you outflank an enemy position and utterly wipe them out with your Titan-class weaponry you have successfully reconnoitered the area. After all no enemies being in the area is just as valid recon as finding them in the first place.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at how the Warhound works in Adeptus Titanicus.

via Warhammer Community

Where Warhounds really shine is in their ability to be formed into Squadrons. Up to three Scout Titans can march together. While they can move and manoeuvre separately on the battlefield, they activate at the same time. When it comes to orders, Squadrons can be issued a single one that covers them all, and the more Titans in the Squadron, the easier the order is to issue – a definite bonus.

Squadrons also gain a number of benefits when they’re closer together. The most obvious of these is the ability to merge their void shields.


Warhounds hunt in packs. They embody the power of friendship and cooperation, which in the Grim Darkness of the Distant Future means they get +1 to their Armor rolls by taking advantage of the Coordinated Strikes rule. Basically, if multiple Titans from the same Squadron all target the same enemy you gain an extra chance of causing damage because you’re all concentrating fire on the weakpoints of a Titan, such as they are.


And the Warhounds have a number of options available to them for weapons. We’ve seen their sprues and know that these are going to have their own array of Titanic weapons. As you might expect from pack hunters, there are a lot of weapons great for tearing through Void shields–but Warhounds have a few tricks up their sleeve to help them punch above their weight.


Turbo laser destructors and vulcan mega-bolters are perfect for bringing down void shields – the Shieldbane trait on the former and high rate of fire on the latter make them ideal for tearing through the high number of shields on a Battle Titan or devastating banners of Imperial Knights.

The inferno gun is a giant high-strength flamer that can do serious harm to multiple foes, while the plasma blastgun is a Blast weapon that can be enhanced by the Maximal Fire trait to make it strong enough to tear through the thickest armour – at the potential cost of putting more strain on the Warhound’s plasma reactor.

So you can push your luck in exchange for some increased damage potential. Which is what the Warhound relies on. You can’t be cautious with these Titans, caution will only get you caught out by Titans with heavier weapons who will take you down. Warhounds are about risk and reward. Which will you reap?

Warhound Titans, Reaver Titans–I’m the guy with the Volcano Cannon.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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