40K: Coming Next Week – The Ork Codex Rolls The Green Tide In

The green tide is rolling in, and with it a new Codex for all the good little Orks out there. We’ve been looking forward to this one for a while now, the Ork Codex introduces six new vehicles and a host of stratagems, warlord traits, and more.
With a roaring of engines and a blast of exhaust, the Orks and their Speedwaaagh! have come crashing onto battlefields across the galaxy. A green tide is pouring in, accompanying this new Codex. We’ve all seen the new vehicles, and their rules–so get ready for a new era in Orkstory as the Codex (and friends) are here this week.
Codex: Orks transforms your favourite army into a flexible, fast and brutal force that truly represents the weird and wonderful ways in which the Orks go to war. All the great stuff you know and love from this edition’s codexes so far – Stratagems, Warlord Traits, a Psychic discipline, and so on – is all here, plus all sorts of special Orky touches. Take Clan Kulturs – powerful faction-specific rules that allow you to represent the unique tactics (such as Orks have them) used by each of the great clans. Or just the army-wide special rules – as previewed previously, Orks now ALWAYS hit on a 6 – and they get to make another shot while they’re at it:
And accompanying the release of the Codex are the rest of the new vehicles–the Kustom Booosta-Blasta and Shockjump Dragsta are in Speed Freeks exclusively (for now) but you can find the Megatrakk Scrapjet, Boomdakka Snazzwagon, Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy, and Deffkilla Wartrike accompanying the release of this Codex.
That’s a pretty huge launch day–no waiting for the new vehicles, no piecemeal trickle of new models, just an almighty Waaagh! right here, right now, right in your base, killing your mans. You can build an army out of vehicles exlusively if you want–you can grab the new piece of terrain accompanying the release, the Mekboy Workshop:
And there are new dice out for Orks as well if you’re looking for that kind of thing.
But there’s more. Because, slipping out of the darkness along with the Orks is everyone’s favorite One-Man Army, Sly Marbo, who is bringing an Ork with him as well. Grab him on October 27th along with all the other Orkish delights.
We’ve seen the rules, now we know what models are releasing when–what do you think of Ork Day?