40K Orks: Upping The Base Sizes

Orks don’t appear to be receiving the ‘Primaris’ Treatment – but that doesn’t mean it’s not time for an upgrade. Is it time to move Orks over to the 32mm base size? Sure looks like that’s GW’s plan.
When Space Marines started shipping with 32mm bases people were legitimately concerned. “What does this mean for my old collection?! Do I have to swap out all my old bases?” Well yes and no. If you’re going to a tournament, you might want to double check to see if their rules packet has an official stance. Otherwise, the general guidelines from GW have been pretty lax. Typically, as long as you don’t go SMALLER most folks are okay with whatever bases you choose.
But that doesn’t mean the issue is solved. There are even 3rd party companies that have created “base extender” bits to convert your 25mm bases to 32mm. Plus GW has put out a ton of new scenic base kits that you can pick-up and swap out your old bases for. The real issue is that we are playing in an era where the newer kits are getting the larger bases and there is zero reason for GW to go back.
So what does this have to do with the Orks? I’m glad you asked! In a recent video from the Warhammer TV crew, they showed off some tips on painting a Goff. It’s good info. But something caught our eye. Check out the base on that Nob:
Ork Nob via Warhammer TV (Youtube)
Yeah. That’s a 32mm base. “Oh maybe it was just for that one model – no big deal, hobbyist’s choice.” Well check out the painting videos for the Blood Axes and Deathskulls. You guessed it, all of them are now on larger bases. If you’re thinking that maybe those are new models (they aren’t) or the old models had larger bases – look again:
Ork Nobz – currently on GW’s site
The Ork Nobz kit is a pretty great plastic kit – lots of bits and cool pose possibilities. But those are clearly 25mm bases. And honestly, I like the look of the larger bases – not only are they more stable, they look more imposing and they don’t hang off the bases. Also does this confirm that GW is going to repackage the Ork Nobz in a new boxed set? Will that mean regular boyz are also moving up to 32mm? I guess we’ll find out…
32mm Bases…Because of the Implications
With the increased based size, this does impact the Orks on the tabletop. Just like Space Marine players who had to adjust, Orks will too. If you do decide to add some orks to your army get ready to deal with the following:
- Less Attacks in close combat – with a larger footprint, it’s going to be trickier to pack the same number of boyz in a combat.
- More board control – With those larger bases also comes a much bigger footprint on the board. If you take a squad of 30 boys, side-by-side, they can now stretch 960mm (~37.8 inches) vs 750mm (~29.5 inches) across. That’s NOT counting if you space them out at 2″ for max board control.
- Teleporting becomes harder/trickier – Again, that larger footprint will make Da’ Jump and things that move you around the board a little bit tougher.
- Auras will be impacted – Fully within vs within becomes a lot more meaningful. It’s going to really come down to how GW words the Ork’s rules in the upcoming Codex.
Artistically, I like the new bases. I don’t like the idea of having to rebase 300 ork – but hey, I’ll stick to my 300 gaunts instead. We don’t have any official word yet but let’s not forget that AoS got an official Base Size chart. Will 40k get one?
What do you think? Are you for or against larger Ork base sizes? Are you going to rebase your Orks is so? Let us know in the comments!