40K: Ork Lists And You – An Illustrated Primer For The Growing Green Tide

Orktober continues on, growing in intensity and Orkishness as the end draws that much closer. Today: a look at Ork Lists and other goodies.
Well a look at a list, but with all the shiny new hotness that’s coming out, it’s possibly the only list that matters. Today we’ve got a look at how a Speedwaaagh! is constructed, complete with power costs and an approximately 2,000 point list for those of you playing Matched Play (everyone). This list is designed to show off the new models as well as take advantage of the new rules we’ve seen previewed, including the Speedwaaagh! rule which allows bikers and vehicles to charge, even if they’ve advanced.
via Warhammer Community
Here’s a look at how the Speedwaaagh! might be represented on a tabletop near you.
Deffkilla Wartrike – 6 Power
Deffkilla Wartrike – 6 Power
Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun – 4 PowerTroops
10x Boyz – 4 Power
10x Boyz – 4 Power
10x Boyz – 4 PowerFast Attack
Kustom Boosta-blasta – 5 Power
Shokkjump Dragsta – 6 Power
Boomdakka Snazzwagon – 5 Power
Megatrakka Scrapjet – 5 Power
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy – 7 Power
3x Warbikers – 4 Power
3x Warbikers – 4 PowerAdvertisementElites
5x Nobz – 7 Power
Nob with Waaagh! Banner – 4 PowerHeavy Support
Morkanaut – 15 PowerDedicated Transport
Trukk – 3 Power
Trukk – 3 Power
Trukk – 3 PowerTOTAL: 99 Power
Command Points: 9
That’s not a bad list. You get a solid number of boys and a couple of the new Deffkilla Wartrikes, who are purported to support your vehicle mobs with powerful aura abilities to buff your buggies.
Speaking of which, they’ve taken one of each of the new buggies, which might be a way to show off what’s new, but depending on the kind of list you ultimately want to build–you might be better taking advantage of the Speed Mob rule and grabbing a squadron of Scrapjets or a drift of Dragstas and really focusing on what your vehicles are going to do.
As far as points costs go–we know that the Fast Attacks, HQs, and Troops all come out to about 1,400 points, leaving room for the Morkanaut and Nobz shown above. If you want to try and reverse engineer points costs from that, by all means go for it, but I’m content to wait until the Codex comes out. Either way, this looks like a solid new playstyle for the Orks.
No more relying on Boyz or Battlewagons to get the bulk of your heavy lifting done–these new vehicles are just the shot in the arm an Ork force needs. With their effective BS of 4 (or 3 in some cases!) and the ability to deploy an Orky amount of firepower whether at range or up close, the vehicles are shaping up to be the cavalry the Orks have been missing–even if they didn’t know it.
As Orktober kicks into high gear–what will your Ork army look like? We’ve seen the rules for most of these vehicles now, where do they fit in your lists?