40K Orks: Gork Is In The Orky Details Part 1

Gork would be proud of the Deffkilla Wartrike and the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy. That’s why we’re taking a closer look at the details of these two amazing kits!
We’ve got our hands on the new Ork buggies and wanted to show-off some of the amazing details of these kits. These kits are inspired to say the least. They have so much stuff going on it can be a little hard to pick-up on all the cool stuff at first. Thankfully, GW has a primer of what to look for on the boxes of these awesome kits.
Deffkilla Wartrike
Weapons and chrome! The Deffkilla Wartrike is going to be a big hit for the Speed Freek crowd. If you are wanting a mobile ork fighting force, it all starts with this kit.
Built like a dragster, this Wartrike has guns, claws and Orky-ingenuity all over the place.
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
The Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy probably has the best back story. Originally conceived by a pair of entrepreneurial orks, this vehicle was supposed to allow them to keep up with racers to deliver food. However, a few engine upgrades and a food delivery mishap later, this mobile food trukk became a squig-launching death machine!
Now it’s got even more squigs on the menu as well as a squig landmine to unleash! This is meals-on-wheels, orky style!
These Kits are up for pre-order this weekend. Gork be pleased!