40K: Goff Clan Rules Confirmed – Extra Attacks For Everyone

Today we take a look at some of the Ork Clan rules. We’ve got the Clan Kultur for Goffs, a couple of Stratagems, and a look at Meganobz.
The Ork Codex is coming out next week, featuring the length and breadth of Orkish society. Orks are a distinctive species, full of rich, cultural traditions like “puttin’ a bomb squig down da bosses pants on his birfday” or “seein’ how many grots fit in a Squig before it explodes,” and today we’re going to take a look at the distinctive cultures kulturs that make Ork Society as robust and diverse as the squiggly beasts that they employ. The Goff Clan is in the spotlight today.
These are amongst the toughest and most brutal orks. Violent and killy even for Orks, the Goff Boyz are the most numerous and bloodthirsty Orks out there. A Goff likes nothing more than hearing the hammering of guns and that satisfying wet crunch when his choppa finds its way deep into the throat or chest of an enemy. They will seize upon any excuse to start a brawl, even amongst themselves and often all it takes is a misinterpreted glance in their general direction or grunted insult to start the fists flying, the Boyz quickly forgetting the reason for the bust-up and simply enjoying the resulting fight. This preference for near-constant scrapping amongst themselves also serves a practical purpose between battles, keeping them honed as specialists in hand-to-hand combat, as they prefer to wage their wars up close and personal. So let’s have no more muckin’ about and get right to it.
via Warhammer Community
Goffs have no time to waste when they get stuck in, after all if they get stuck in too long that’s only killing one thing! So Goffs get Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! but for close combat weapons. A solid ability, especially since Orks have a few easy ways of boosting a lot of attacks for a number of boyz.
Meganobz have seen a serious reduction in points:
There are few units with the close-combat punch of a pack of killsaw-armed Meganobz, and they’d be a great choice for an army of Goffs even without the generous points reduction they’ve received.
Couple that with the Orks’ deep striking stratagem, Tellyporta and you can set up a full unit of 10 deep striking Meganobz ready to make that sweet sweet rerollable charge, thanks to ‘Ere We Go!
You can squeeze a lot into 20 PL, especially in the new Ork Codex. Boyz are also getting a buff, and a new Stratagem to represent the biggest and baddest boyz.
1CP for +1 Strength to a unit (and ‘Ard Boyz getting confirmed in the Codex) seems incredibly strong. You could potentially get more than a hundred Str 5 (or 6 with Warpath) attacks out of a melee unit, and that’s before adding extra attacks in the fight phase from the Goff ability. Drown your enemy in a green tide.
GW also confirmed that there will in fact be Ork datacards available alongside the Codex release.
Ork Week is in full swing here gang, be ready for more tomorrow. In the meantime, let us know what you think.
Do the Goffs, in fact, mukk about? Which Clan seems best, given the rumors out there so far?