40K: Whither The Ork – Release Date And Warlord Trait Rumors

Orktober is rapidly reaching its middle–we’ve seen six new vehicles unveiled so far, but no sign of a release date. And though the month is young, we’re rapidly running out of weekends…
Orktober appears to be in full swing now, what with the reveal of the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy aka the reason half of you are still trying to pick money up from around your respective monitors. I know, I tried it myself but throwing money at the screen doesn’t get it here any faster, and according to the latest rumors, we’re going to have a little bit of a wait before any of this gets in our grubby little mitts.
I just want my Squigs launching deffkar
Over on DakkaDakka, amidst arguments about “what Orktober means” despite being only 11 days into the month, user Lord Kragan has the following to say about pre-orders at his own personal FLGS:
My LGS informed me they got the preorders for next week.
And the Ork stuff is the following one (so on stores the 27th). Ah, and Blackstone Fortress apparently.
Which makes sense. Going by GW’s past record, most of the big Codex releases have come towards the end of the month. We saw Space Marines come out at the end of June, and Craftworld Aeldari get their pre-order announcement around this time last year. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the Ork Pre-Orders start to roll in this weekend. We know Kill Team: Commanders is going up on the 13th for Pre-Order, and that the next day they’ll announce next week’s pre-orders (which will be available in stores on the 27th). And according to Lord Kragan, the Ork Stuff is coming next. Now popular opinion holds that Speed Freeks is coming first (though I don’t see why you wouldn’t have the game and the codex at once, with some kits the following weekend). So if we look at our calendars, that means the 20th to pre-order Speed Freeks, and the 27th to pre-order Orks, with the weeks previously being focused on Speed Freeks and on the Ork Codex respectively.
That’s a lot of forecasting for an upcoming release, but with six new models on the way (at least!) Orktober is shaping up to be a big one for the greenskins. But wait, there’s more. Because we also have rumored Warlord Traits–we’ve already seen the rumored Clan Warlord traits, now we’re back with the Generic Ones. That same YouTuber, KiriothTV has come forward with more leaks from one of the Playtesters–this is, I believe, the same source that leaked the Clan rules and releases earlier, so the rumors have so far been stacking up with some fair amount of Accuracy. Anyway–the generic traits are rumored to be:
- Your warlord gains the Waaagh ability, if he doesn’t already have it. Additionally if your army is battleforged, gain an additional CP.
- Add 1 to the wound rolls of your warlord vs vehicles and monsters.
- Add 1 toughness to your warlord
- Re-roll hit rolls in combat with your warlord. Add 1 to the damage characteristic of your warlords melee weapon, if he completed a charge move, was charged, or made an heroic intervention.
- At the start of the first battle round, but before the first turn begins, take your warlord and D3 <clan> infantry models and set them up again as described in the deployment section of the mission you’re playing.
- Add 1 to your warlords strength and attacks.
That’s the word on the street about Orks today. Let’s see what else happens as Orktober rolls around. What do you think of these rumors? Can the Orks get here quickly enough or is even another day an interminable wait that must be repaid in blood?