BREAKING 40K RUMORS: Ork Kustom Boosta-Blasta Rulez

Another leaked image, wafting through the wilds of the world wide web, brings us the full 40K rules for the Kustom Boosta-Blasta.
Or it’s an incredibly convincing photoshop job–but with the Ork Codex around the corner, it does seem like it’s the season for leaks. And leeks. So grab some fennel and let’s dive in to the Kustom Boosta-Blasta’s rules.
The rumors come to us via Spikey Bits, who’ve got a picture of the Boosta-Blasta Datasheet.
Now this data sheet doesn’t look like one out of the codex–the lack of a themed icon up at the top makes it looks like it’s the 40K rules that you might find included in something else–something like a new Ork-themed vehicle combat and racing game that’s due out for pre-order this weekend. So, we might not even be seeing the full set of rules for the Boosta-Blasta.
That said, what we’re seeing does track with yesterday’s leaked Rukkatrukk rules…down to the inclusion of a Grot Gunner and Riding Shotgun. We’re missing more melee weapons, if the Boosta-Blasta indeed has one–but otherwise this looks like a decent melee vehicle that can put out some solid enough shooting, which benefits especially from the Dakkadakkadakka rule. With 4 flame throwers you definitely want to get it in closer.
I’d be shocked if there wasn’t some kind of turbo boost rule associated with Speed Mob. Maybe something like a model with Speed Mob always advances 6 inches, or some other fixed amount as we’ve seen other fast attack vehicle types do. And with 8 Wounds and Toughness 6, it seems like it could sit pretty well as part of a mobile weapons platform good for taking out heavy infantry and light vehicles before breaking through enemy lines.
At any rate, we’ll know soon enough how much we aren’t seeing–but so far what are your thoughts on the Boosta-Blasta?
What do you think this means the other vehicles will look like when all is said and done? Let us know in the comments!