BREAKING: 40K’s Newest Rogue Trader – and His Mini – is Revealed
2 Minute Read
Oct 29 2018

Rogue Trader Janus Draik is venturing into the Blackstone Fortress. But first he has to put a party of adventurers together.
Take a look at the newest video for the upcoming Blackstone Fortress game from GW:
The Fortress Opens…
And meet the man himself – Rogue Trader Janus Draik
- Now we know Blackstone Fortress will have it’s own miniatures.
- It is being described as a hybrid of boardgame and RPG
- This continues to feel like a product that straddles the line between Silver Tower and Shadows Over Hammerhal.
~I am intrigued. Look for this before the holidays.

Author: Larry Vela